Chapter 658 Allen Su


Hearing voices without seeing them, Aaron Anderson pushed open the door of the ward, and the words implying a smile suddenly rang.

"Wife, you woke up as soon as I came in and brought you hot porridge."


What a coincidence that when you don't come in, you just come in at this time. Su Cen hid himself in bed and covered his whole body, revealing a pair of eyes.

Looking at Aaron Anderson, his eyes fell on his body and never moved away, and his heart was awkward and shy.

The little nurse smiled and said, "Then I won't bother you two newlyweds to love each other here."

Then he packed his things with a smile and left the ward.

Aaron Anderson brought things in, Sioux City this just found that the other side of the hand with a lot of things inside.

What green vegetables porridge, some soft waxy cakes.

It looks very light, but it is especially in line with Su Cen's appetite.

"This is full of set steaks. I found this far away. You will just eat it."
