Chapter 659 Embarrassment

Under Aaron Anderson's careful care, Su Cen's complexion gradually improved.

Originally, the thin and pale cheeks gradually became ruddy, and they were no longer as ill as before.

About two days later, Aaron Anderson was chatting with Su Cen in the ward and handed an apple.

Moreover, all the skins are cut clean with a knife, especially perfect and sweet apples. Aaron Anderson has done everything to the extreme these days.

Be able to do it yourself and never let others interfere.

Aaron Anderson grew up in a wealthy family. I didn't expect to do these things with ease. Su Cen felt warm inside, and even Grain Rain, who came to visit, couldn't stand it.

These two people are too sick to stay together.

"Eat, the apple just peeled for you. The doctor said you can eat some fruit these days."

"Then I can eat fruit now. Can I eat other things in a few days?"