Chapter 680 Unknown Fire

In the backlight, under the illumination of street lamps, the man standing next to him is smoking with a cigarette between his fingertips.

Aaron Anderson stopped the car and locked it with a key.

Frowning and coming over to see, who is standing on the side of the road at night?

The closer I got, the more I felt that the shape and appearance of the man with eyes were very familiar. Aaron Anderson couldn't help but ask tentatively, "... Su Haoran?"

"Hehe, call my name, no big or small."

Aaron Anderson: "… what are you doing standing here in the middle of the night? If I hadn't paid attention, I almost bumped into you."

After walking in, the lights lit up, and also lit up the man standing smoking under the street lamp.

It is indeed Su Haoran.

It's just that watching Aaron Anderson's eyes tonight is not so happy, with a cool feeling and a trace of ridicule.

Although Su Haoran doesn't like Aaron Anderson at ordinary times.