Chapter 681 Doubts

Two people walked into the ward in tandem.

Su Cen picked a bunch of grapes from a side fruit bowl.

Just fed to the mouth, I saw Aaron Anderson come in, followed by Su Haoran with an unhappy face.

She was sensitive, perceived the unusual atmosphere between two people, but did not point it out directly.

"Brother, why did you suddenly come here tonight?"

Su Haoran didn't answer, sat on the stool next to him with a calm face, poured himself a cup of cold water, and drank it all in one gulp, which made him feel cool.

Let the string in my mind also clear a lot.

"This is not listening to what soft decoration you want to make. I think you don't have enough people here. Your condition has not completely improved. How did you suddenly think of this?"

Su Cen looked at the eyes next to it just pulled back.

"I'm just on a whim, but Yan Ning likes it, so I think I can do it if I have nothing to do, and my body is no longer a big problem."