Chapter 692 Preparation

Yan Ning rolled his eyes when he heard this.

"Don't you have faith in yourself?"

Su Cen was confused and poked himself with a finger. "What does this have to do with me? Isn't it enough to light up the surrounding atmosphere according to what you said?"

Yan Ning was speechless.

"Who told you that this is only an external condition!"

She simply want to Su Cen's head melon seeds, knock open with a hammer to see what bean curd residue project is inside!

"The most critical internal condition still depends on yourself, do you know?!"

Su Cen then pretended to ask for advice modestly. "What should I do? After all, this is my first time to do it, and there is no reference..."

"As the saying goes, this kind of thing... ahem, I haven't really done it..." Yan Ning looked at Su Cen with special questioning eyes.

This just coughed lightly to save his image.

"But isn't there a word called armchair strategist? Even if we haven't eaten pork, haven't we seen pigs run?"