Chapter 693 Small Video

Yan Ning thought for a moment, "Well... why not? I just went to the company to find Wei Yu for something, which can help you call Aaron Anderson home early."

Su Cen nodded, then without saying anything, turned on his mobile phone with his head down, clicked on the small video, and began to prepare for his "work".

Yan Ning raced against time to get to the company.

However, when I wanted to go in, I was suddenly told that there was a particularly important meeting inside.

Moreover, according to her authority, she is particularly low-level, and she can't let the people inside come out, so she feels deeply hit.

She looked at her little sister standing at the door with a sad face.

"Aaron Anderson has changed, he has really changed, obviously not such a person before..."

"Is it so difficult to see such a side now?"