Chapter 725 Features

It looks very old.

On the wooden box, engraved with cumbersome and unknown patterns, it looks very old and obscure, and Su Cen suddenly fell into a loss.

She knew that these things belonged to the master, but she didn't know what they were used for.

Why are you so sure? It's because Su Cen once saw this pattern on the master's clothes, and it was exactly the same, so he was very impressed.

Uncle Fang Face thought for a while, and then he shook his head very simply. "We dug it out from the ground, and no one moved it here, and I don't know what it is..."

Su Cen nodded, hugged a box with Zhang Jun, thanked his uncle, and then carried the box to the temporary residence where he lived before.

This place is not big or small, the living conditions are not particularly good, and it is still in the countryside. Su Cen didn't care. Instead, he thanked Zhang Jun and sent him away.