Chapter 726 Information

For example, her master's original name is Xu Wei.

And over the years, the appearance has not changed at all, and Su Cen calmly read the two materials.

She saw in the corner that there was still a small trick that had not been opened, but she was not in the mood to open it at this time.

Simply give up, originally want to come out of the room.

But this room …

Su Cen finally wanted to think, or ordered Zhang Jun to lock up this room, don't let outsiders in.

Although there is no trace inside, there is nothing wrong with being cautious in everything.

Zhang Jun was very efficient, and soon the contact person sealed off the dust in this room. The former residence of the master is still being restored, but it only lacks some final details.

Su Cen didn't stay in the countryside all the time these days. He went back to his original company to deal with some things and turned back and forth several times before he planned to leave for abroad.