Chapter 733 Mentality

I just haven't told Aaron Anderson yet.

When I returned to the hospital again, I knew that the old man already knew about it.

Su Cen hurriedly tried to explain, but the old man looked calm and waved to interrupt what she wanted to say next.

"Girl, you don't have to hide this from me."

Father Fu's tone is slow, but very calm.

"My body is no better than others. I know my own body better than anyone else. It is worse every day. Of course, I can detect it, so don't worry."

After that, he coughed over his mouth and turned to show a smile, which relieved Su Cen.

"The doctor said, it's not that there is no way. Grandpa, you have to believe in the current science and medical technology. The doctor who just fed you medicine has become a doctor at the age of 20..."

"Ah, just now I was saying that this young man looks young, how can he get to the attending doctor, so powerful..."

Fu father very cooperative smile.