Chapter 734 Dead Man

Su Cen finally sent Fu father back to his old house.

Followed by the nanny and assistant who have been taking care of him.

She has some doubts in her heart. When there are people around her, the old man always seems to have some concerns. Maybe she has thought too much recently and has some worries.

I hope the final result is still alarmist.

Su Cen looked at the photo in his hand.

Xu Wei's eyebrows and eyes were excellent when she was young, so she can really be called a beauty raised by water and soil.

Bright eyes and good eyes, through yellowed paper. It's like crossing time and looking at yourself standing here.

Su Cen also learned one thing from He's old man's dialogue.

She found the master's appearance. Decades have passed, and Fu has already had white hair and temples, but the master has never changed.

The traces of years did not leave any mark on that perfect face.

This is an effect that the current scientific means simply cannot achieve.