Chapter 761 Love

Aaron Anderson thought, and suddenly there was a very strong cold breath all over her body.

At this time, Su Cen, who was in his arms, seemed to feel something was wrong in his dream, and shrank his body in some fear.

It's like wrapping yourself up.

Wrap yourself into a shrimp.

Her action instantly brought Aaron Anderson back to absolute being, and she continued to hold people in her arms and coaxed, "Nothing, not talking about you, don't be afraid."

Su Cen heard a very gentle word in a trance in his dream.

And in a daze, I wonder why this voice is so like Aaron Anderson.

But after that, you can't hear it if you listen carefully.

A good night's sleep.

When I opened my eyes again, it was already bright.

The next morning, the sun filled the bed.

Sucen taro's big wavy curly hair like seaweed looks very soft, which makes its white and delicate cheeks look extremely soft and delicate.

Aaron Anderson has already woken up.