Chapter 762 Confessions

Su Cen then finished changing clothes under a pair of very enthusiastic eyes.

Although she is a little embarrassed, there is no need to pretend to be wriggling at all.

They've all slept in the same bed, haven't they?

Afterwards, Su Cen went out with a red face and followed Aaron Anderson.

I happened to meet Yan Ning who opened the door and came out.

The three men made a face-to-face meeting with each other.

Yan Ning saw Su Cen at a glance, especially surprised to point to her face and then asked: "What happened to your mouth? It looks like a little red. Was it bitten by mosquitoes last night?"

Su Cen: "... last night, yes, there were too many mosquitoes."

Aaron Anderson stood laughing without saying a word.

Yan Ning this just react to come over immediately turned a supercilious look, "What are you two doing up so early? Are we leaving today? I have stayed enough on this island."

Su Cen unknown so: "Where is my brother?"