Chapter 772 Coming to the Door

Su Cen is very disgusted: "Less in this rhetoric."

She finally sighed.

At this time, Fu Xiaotuanzi was whining at his feet. It seemed that it was so late that even the puppy was hungry.

She ignored Aaron Anderson, just sent a few words casually, and then let the other party go to the kitchen to heat it in the microwave oven. Instead, she turned to make food for the little dumplings.

Aaron Anderson looked at the beautiful shadow at this time with his back to himself, but took care of a small dumpling so thoughtfully that he couldn't help shaking his head with great taste.

"I didn't expect a puppy to be more important than me now. It seems that these little pets and the like can no longer appear in our home in the future."

After Aaron Anderson was very resigned to sigh, he turned and went to the kitchen to heat all the cold meals this evening.

I'm kidding. This is a meal cooked by my daughter-in-law herself.

It was very late after the last meal.