Chapter 773 Apology

Su Cen's words are quite cold, and Song Yue's fundus flashed a gloom, tightly sipped his lips, and his mouth looked a little unhappy down.

Fu Xiaotuanzi seemed to notice that the atmosphere between the two hosts did not seem particularly pleasant.

Shaking his head and wagging his tail, he ran to the next door with a bone in his hand.

"Sister, in fact, I have been thinking about it for a long time in private, so I decided to come here today. The first thing is to apologize to you."

Song Yue stood up straight and looked at Su Cen seriously.

At last, I bowed very respectfully. "All along, I have always been reckless. I need you to wipe my ass for anything wrong, and even I am ashamed."

Su Cen: "... don't have to be so."

Song Yue smiled and interrupted her: "Sister, you don't have to continue to speak for me. I know I did something wrong before. If I don't apologize today, I will always keep it in my heart and think about when I can atone for it."