Chapter 783 Stimulus

Quinton Richardson squinted and smiled very unhappily. "Suzen, why do you always aim at me like this?"

When this was asked, I felt somewhat innocent in an instant, and looked at Su Cen with a trace of pity.

He is the president of the student union, and he was pampered from small to large at home. He was spoiled by people in his family and grew up. He has been living smoothly all the time, and there are many girls around him.

According to the principle, there are girls who come to pursue better than Su Cen, but it is the first time to meet such a cold character.

Quinton Richardson's eyes flashed a trace of carelessness, but still with a trace of playing ridicule.

Su Cen looked at such eyes wantonly staring at his body, and felt uncomfortable all over her body. She felt that her blood began to boil against the current, and the alcohol came up a little irrepressible.

"Is this useful in front of me?"