Chapter 784 Take Away

Action, clearly my mind is very clear, but I don't know why it is a feeling of weakness, and suddenly rolled up every organ and cell all over my body.

She felt her mind swell and her eyes blurred.

When she woke up again, she opened her eyes dimly, as if what had happened before was just a dream.

And now it's not a roadside stall at all, and there's no Sarah Miller here, but there's another man sitting next to him.

She was weak and weak all over at the moment, but she could think of who the man around her was with her toes. Su Cen felt that there was no strength all over her body and tried to curl up her fingers.

"Quinton Richardson, what exactly do you want to do?"

A very calm sentence, Su Cen is with all his sober moment to ask out this sentence, her heart is not not afraid, but very calm, Quinton Richardson dare not to himself.