22 Game Over?

No love.

Then whether love should be sought?

Not necessarily, sacred things can come and go. If it fits, stop walking.

Can't choose, or can't do anything?

Note: life is sick.


Rein's moans were heard. Redis explored her lips like there was no tomorrow.

Whoever it is please stop their hot activity. Obviously wrong!

Thankfully, in one move, Rein managed to break Redis's kiss. The two of them were still in an intimate position.

Like hanged.

Rein closed her eyes for a moment when she realized her position was not safe.

Come on, Rein, how come your brain isn't working well?

Should have pushed it straight away!

"Hah. Huh. Huh."

Both Rein and Redis were busy taking a breath, Rein lowered her head deeply, afraid to see Redis. This wasn't their first kiss though.

Strangely, Rein lowered her head and trembled. That somehow made Redis' sanity appear even a little.

Because there were few, Redis finally decided to leave the place. Intending to stop the game Rey was playing as well.

Game over!

Not failed but stop, cancel!

No, it wasn't pity or concern that stopped Redis. He just didn't feel he deserved to take someone else's peace of mind–for tonight.

Meanwhile he himself was far in restless. Redis only knew about figuring out how to expand the company's area and branches. Not living at the level of ego and love for people.

Without saying anything Redis left the place. Leaving Rein who was silent on the spot.

Their kiss, that kiss was what actually made Redis not want to continue the game. A kiss that requires the fear of drowning.

A kiss that somehow felt strange and ridiculous.

That's why Redis wanted to quit.

The person looked irritated, without wasting much time Redis contacted Rey. Unfortunately the secretary's number is not active. Without thinking Redis was looking for both.

Redis had a bad hunch.

"Ck troublesome. If it wasn't for Meri's potential to kill people, I certainly wouldn't bother. It's not funny Rey died in the game he played."

Throughout the quest Redis continued to ramble on. In another corner of his mind he cursed himself for going so far.

At night looking for people who want to have fun?

Even though Redis is not a caring person.

Then now, even Redis cursing missed calls. The phone was the first thing that caught Redis' attention. Specially designed with a pattern of books and files. Evidence of his love for office activities.

"What are you doing?"

Immediately Redis turned around.

Holy shit!

For the sake of Rey's bright red panties, why did Rein suddenly appear?

Similar to jailangkung.

Don't forget, that person stared blankly at Redis.

Shouldn't she be busy cooking, or at least thinking about the kiss?

People who are kissed for the first time are usually gentle.

So why does the suddenly appear like Jalangkung?

In all his life, Redis has never been silent, he is used to doing anything all his life. One of them is a date with an office file. At least there are activities, not just frozen like now.

"Shit," Redis mumbled subconsciously, which Rein could still hear it.

After a second, the girl's eyes widened. Rein slightly knew what was going on at the moment. More precisely guess.

The imagination of a novelist is very strong. Instinct is even more powerful above all.

Now all Rein has to do is find Meri!

Can't be late!

Must hurry!

"Come with me, we have to find Meri."


Redis spontaneously parroted, like a chick that had just come down from its mother's hatch.

Rein, who didn't have much time, immediately grabbed Redis' hand. Whatever happens, what is clear is that they have to find Meri now.

Hey..., has anyone forgotten that Meri is a martial arts athlete?

Even so, it's okay to worry. Sorry, Rein doesn't want anything bad to happen to her best friend.

It took about ten minutes for Redis and Rein to find Meri and Rey. However, to no avail, until finally Rein reflexively shouted right in front of Redis' face.

"You, what are you guys doing. If anything happens to Meri I will cut 'your angry birds'."

Angry birds?

The sound of night crickets dominates.

Suddenly Redis burst out laughing. Forget the truth that they are going through.

This of course made Rein angry. As a result when Redis laughed while holding his stomach, Rein kicked the guy's penis half hard.

There was not the slightest pity from Rein. She wag the hair that deliberately fit in front of Redis's face. Double. After that he went out of the house to find the whereabouts of Meri, her best friend.

Let Redis suffer akibat Rein's kick. That's the punishment.

Rein didn't forget to bring her cellphone which she put in her pocket.

As a freelance writer on several online platforms, it seems like Rein can't be separated from cellphones and laptops.

Even when she was urinating and defecating though, she could write if there was inspiration.

Rein is a flexible type of person, that's why ideas can come up at any time.

It takes comfort when writing, the only thing that makes Rein comfortable is the calm where no one disturbs.

More deeply, music is something that is very exciting as an accompaniment.

"Meri..., where are you?" Rein asked herself, the cell phone was still in her ear, as if it was stuck, stuck like a postage stamp.

Rein had to find Meri.

Ah yeah, Rein remembers, there is one place that Meri often visits, namely the park near their housing complex.

Meri likes to see beautiful things, so she will go there or meet Rein when she is dizzy or stressed by the piled up office tasks.

It's up to Meri to be there or not, Rein immediately went to the location. There's not much time to think. Must be fast!


Rein, it's like someone chasing a thief instead of a missing person?

Imagine, while running you know.

Rein vaguely saw someone, the distance between the two was very intimate. Oh, that means not one but two.

Without wasting much time Rein approached the two people. Didn't think it was a couple who were dating.

If it's true, it could be Rein's problem.

When he arrived, Rein immediately shouted. Counting to stop the perverted act, whoever the culprit is.

"Hey you guys!"

Immediately, the two of them stopped kissing.

Inwardly Rein grumbled.

Unlucky. Why watch hot kiss scene live?

Rein's eyes are not pure anymore.

Rein looked at the two of them more carefully, Rein's eyes suddenly widened, Rein finally realized that it was Meri, his best friend who he was looking for.

With the low light, Rein's vision wasn't clear, but he was sure...100%.


Kissing with whom?

A Kiss Hot!?


Meri, Rein's super innocent friend, kissing hot?

Rein, who was originally about one meter away, approached the two people. Due to the close distance, the two of them couldn't do anything, including running and avoiding Rein's intimidating gaze.

"You guys? Did I miss something?" Rein asked parroting.

More like a baby bird who fell down while just learning to fly. Inwardly said, 'what are my wings for!?'


Suddenly everyone looked away. It turned out that the owner of the voice was Redis who was walking strangely.

So, what kind of explanation will be given by the two people who were caught kissing hot?

Doesn't Meri dislike Rey, she actually hates the secretary

This is fucking!

The world is unpredictable.
