23 Annyoying

"So, what happened?"

The one who asked that was Rein. Of the four people there, only Rein was able to speak even though he was still syok.

Meanwhile, Redis looks flat. It wasn't a matter of money he was thinking about paying for Rey's wedding as a gift, If only they really got out of hand.

But think about how can these two people who hate each other kiss?

As easy as turning the palm of the hand?

Especially when you see their faces. Uncomfortable, like someone caught doing perverts.

Fix, that expression, without having to think about it, it's clear that the two of them kissed consciously and voluntarily.

Not forced.

So, since when has a Redis Sanjaya bothered about this?

Dizzy Redis specifically for office files.

Let them talk, Redis just listen while sit.

Redis was so upset, angry with himself. He swore.

"Mistake," Meri squeaked softly.

Rein suddenly rolled her eyes, why?

In the end that was the answer that sounded. After a long silence, Meri finally stopped keeping her mouth shut.

"What did you say?"

Rein was surprised, how come a hot kiss to the person she hates made a mistake.

"Oh yeah okay, it's okay," said Rein finally.

She understands, don't judge Meri to be weird, later those who are there will be even more embarrassed.

The important thing is that Meri is not in a state of compulsion, that's more than enough.

There's nothing to worry about anymore–for now. Later Rein will talk further.

Maybe even angry...?

Nobody knows.

"Okay, we're home," Redis said.

He was still flat, complete with folded arms in his usual style. The chin is raised high.

It can't be helped, Redis already misses office work besides the wedding day is near. Game is cancelled, that's why it's better to go home. Redis dizzy.

Kissing Rein wasn't the first time but it felt weird.

Damn it.

Redis phone rings. Who calls at night?

Redis snorted.

Redis saw half-hearted. The person's intention was not to pick up the call but to silence the phone.


"Why?" Rey asked, the boss staring intensely at the phone screen.

"Let's go home," Redis said quietly. More accurately called muttering to yourself.

The person calling is Mr. Sanjaya.

Ah..., don't know. One thing is for sure, Redis must go home now.

"Eh, so fast. Wait a minute, I'll take the cake I made. Although there's not much you can eat."

"No need, come on Rey."


Rein is silent like a statue.

Only this time Rein felt rejected. Usually it's okay.

Without saying anything Redis grabbed Rey's hand. Making Rey's chatty mouth sound like a toa.

Meanwhile Meri looks flat. What did they expect, the two people wanted to leave.

Actually good, rather than both annoying ...?

It means that their arrival disturbs Rein and Meri's quality we time.

Em..., Meri's attitude is not like someone who has had a hot kiss. Not the slightest bit wrong.

After the departure of Rey and Redis.

"Let's go to sleep, if I have to write first."

"Rein... your life is just to write and translate huh?"

Meri cleared her throat for a moment, looking around Rein's house to avoid meeting the owner's eyes.

"Oh yes Rein..., sorry," said Meri again.

Sounds soft, but still looks normal. Not wrong.

"Why apologize?"

Rein focused on the cellphone.

Handicapped, Rein is the type of person who is flexible, can focus on many things even when he is working. Although sometimes it doesn't go too well.

How do people share focal points?

Few can. The results are not optimal.

"I..., honestly I didn't know about that earlier. Everything just happened. We..., were just trying."


Rein immediately turned to Meri, since when did this child try to kiss?

"That person took your first kiss, Meri dear. You don't think about giving yourself up, do you? You can be offended, but I want to say, I don't trust people like them. Unfortunately I got stuck. Therefore, I can't choose and act as I want. Then you, can't be trapped like me. Don't be stupid," Rein said in one breath.

She must give advice to bad boys like Meri. Hurts the Rein's eyes to see Meri kiss. Other's tongue. Oh Lord.

"What do you want, you don't want to be held accountable. This is a miracle, you know, Mr. Redis, who only knows the office documents, wants to marry you. If it's about me, I'll take care of myself."

Rein stroked her rough hair, Meri's words reminded her of Redis' classic.

Status, cover, good name and image!

"He was forced to, Mer. Do you think that status is enough? What will happen if I am left alone while he is busy with office files. It's better not to get married then."

Meri suddenly grimaced. Pity.

In another corner of the heart also think new things. Like how their second marriage ended in a relationship on paper.

Then now, why was she acting like a slut. Okay, Meri had to admit, she was sorry.

Yeah, regret is always at the end.

"Mr. Redis said he was heartless. You have to be careful."

Meri still lowered her face. Meanwhile, Rein focused on her cellphone.

"Em. It's okay. I can't write if we keep talking."


The sun looks to the surface, it's a sign that the night has changed shifts.

It's still morning. Remember and take notes, it's still early!

Both Rein and Meri are ready with all the routines in the morning. They are agile people.

Today Rein intends to go to the company to submit the script. Now, Rein has recently written is a script on the platform, not a book script.

If the manuscript is already finished. Just the task of translating books that haven't been done yet.

"Rein, let's take the bus. I'm lazy to ride a bicycle."

Rein agrees. Rein and Meri's relationship is like siblings. Like Rein letter, and Meri stamps.

Tin. Tin. Tin.


Rein blinked confused to see a luxury car stopped right in front of them.


Rein didn't even expect much from that person. Rein needs a clear position, therefore can't choose.

Lost, there will be no hope.

"Who is that?"

Rein ignores Meri's question, her eyes always see someone who is about to get out of the car.

When the driver got out, Rein's face was suddenly expressionless. That person is Radit with an arrogant smile.

Oh no, mean... friendly, not arrogant. Just from Rein's point of view, it was still a disdainful smile.

Rein negative thinking.

"Hello, good morning."

"What's the matter sir, you can't just come here to say good morning, can you?"

Meri nudged Rein in the stomach when she heard the person say that. Rude and disrespectful.

Radit is a big person, you know, Rein.

"Sister-in-law. Don't be so hard on me. We're a prospective family. Oops, I mean Rein." Radit emphasizes the sentence 'Rein.'

This is what annoyed Rein.

"You guys need a ride. I came here on purpose to pick you up, please don't refuse, I've taken my time."

Radit's smile was unlimited, occasionally combing his hair with split ends.

"Excuse me sir, but who asked you to spare your time. Aren't you a busy person?"

This time the person who asked was Meri. After all, it was strange when the CEO of the company Samira Corp suddenly picked them up.

"What do you guys think of me?" asked Radit, sounding sharp and expressionless.

Annoyed, Radit was offended.

Hey, look at that cocky face. Why do want to offer help?

If people don't want, ditinggalkan saja. Radit said he busy.
