
"Surprised? Why? Confused how do I know?" Iwan chuckled sarcastically. He stood up to grab Laras chin and gripped it tightly. The cruel gaze that appeared on Iwan's eyes made Laras tremble slightly. For God's sake, she was afraid this man would do something vile to her.

"You think I'm stupid enough to let one of my assets hang around a bar late at night with a guy and end up in a hotel the next morning?"

Laras eyebrows dipped. "How did you know? Uncle tailed me?!" said Laras.

Instead of the answer Laras got, it was just a laugh that she got from Iwan and Mirna. The two filthy humans embraced each other, laughing heartily as if Laras had just told a very funny joke.

"So it's true that you've been following me all this time? What are you doing?"

Iwan let out a rough breath before moving to put his arm around Laras' shoulders even though she was pushed away by the woman firmly. "What?!"

"It's not time for you to know what's behind it all. Just wait, you'll find out later." Iwan tapped Laras on the shoulder twice, before the man came out, embracing Mirna's waist affectionately while laughing for some reason.

After the two of them were nowhere to be seen, Laras slumped limply on the sofa. She covered her face with both hands, holding back the tears that were about to fall for who knows how many times today.

"Mommy, I'm scared."


On a dim evening, where the sky is about to change color from light blue to orange. Laras sat on a large rock, right beside a river with a swift flow of water. Watching how the brown water continues to move, with various kinds of garbage that participate in it. The sound of the gurgling water falling from the surface that remains is the melody that accompanies this solemn twilight.

While under a mango tree not far from where Laras sat, Randi stared at his lover's back with a sad look. Almost soft and teary if only the voice from Laras didn't break his daydream.

"Randi? Come here!" Laras screamed a little because hee voice was muffled by the rush of river water.

Randi with a smile that was forced to attend finally stepped closer to Laras. Sitting right next to his lover after briefly tampering with her black mane.

"What are you doing, asking to meet here? It's really annoying, usually at a coffee shop." Randi opened his voice, after landing his body on a large rock which was also occupied by Laras.

"It's okay, I just want to find a different atmosphere." Laras answered without looking at Randi. Her net was looking straight at the twilight sky filled with clouds above.

Hesitantly, Randi touched Laras shoulder. "Ras? Are you okay?"

Instead of an answer, Laras gave a sad chuckle. The woman with her back hair that was left flowing beautifully only glanced at Randi before looking back at the twilight which now really showed her charm.

"You have a problem with your aunt, huh? That's why you want to talk to me?" guess Randi.

Laras cash shook her head, because to be honest it wasn't for that he invited Randi here. Not to complain about his aunt and uncle who turned out to be not the good people he had thought before. Indeed, from the start, Randi had guessed and thought that Yuni was not sincere with her. However, with a decision based on a will from her mother, Laras ensures that he is ready and willing to live with Yuni, no matter what the risk.

"So what?"

"If something big happened to our relationship, would you stay with me, or would you leave me alone?" Laras asked, looking straight at his lover's dark brown eyes.

"What do you mean?" Randy doesn't understand. "What's the big thing? You're not going to say anything to leave me are you? Please, Ras, don't scare me."

Laras can see for himself. How the lines of panic on the face with worry were mounting from Randi's eyes. It was enough to make him feel relieved. Even though deep down in her heart, there was a pinch of doubt lodged there. Regarding Randi's seriousness in their relationship.

"No, I will not leave you forever. Instead I have to ask you, will you leave me if something happens in our relationship?" Laras returned to its original intent.

"Something like what?"

"Answer me first! Are you going or not?"

"No." Randy shook his head firmly. His eyes were full of confidence that didn't seem easy to shake. "I will not leave you, no matter what our circumstances. Even though there are many things or problems that require us to be separated, I promise to continue to maintain our relationship. Like I promised you before, when we started a relationship with a new status. I will stay by your side, as Randi, your lover."

Laras smiled brightly. A genuine smile out of all the fake smiles he'd forced to come the past few days. Then without hesitation, Laras entered Randi's arms. In his lover's warm embrace, she listened to Randi's melodious heartbeat like an extra melody. Lovely section filler, the only one for today.

Under the twilight sky with a million charms, on the bank of a river with a rushing flow. They both hug warmly.


On the way home, where Laras is alone because she forced Randi to go home first. Laras kicked the small stones in the path he was walking. As an outlet for their frustration because their romantic moment had to end because of a call from the head of the organization where Randi was sheltered as the association.

"Americano less sugar, one shot, please." Laras spoke to a barista as he entered his regular coffee shop.

While waiting for the order to be ready, Laras sat beside the table where the baristas were standing to make coffee. Playing with her cellphone to get rid of boredom, although in the end she just stared blankly around.

"In whose name, Sis?" A barista's voice snapped her out of his thoughts.

"Ah? Oh, Laras."

Laras stood up from her seat, opened his clutch bag to take a debit card from there.

"Here, Sis."

Just now Laras reached out, about to take a cup of coffee he ordered. However, it seems that she is not fast enough because a hand from behind precedes his movement. Taking Laras' coffee cup, he put a red note on the table.

"Sorry, Dude. That was her coffe's," said the barista to a man who took Laras' cup.

"Yeah, it's mine. Besides, do you know the rules? Order first, then pick up. Don't take people's orders." Laras said in an annoyed tone. She even shrieked when she didn't know himself the man was sipping the coffee he ordered. "Hey?!"

"I'll take this. Because americano isn't the right drink for someone who hasn't eaten since last night." The man said casually before leaving Laras alone.