Rejection From Randi

When Laras heard Randi's refusal, she wanted to slap the man again. However, instead of doing so, Laras prefers to remain silent and listen to Randi's explanation until the end.

"Why can't you? You're a man, you're still healthy, and the most important thing is that you're the culprit here." Nindy spoke up. She began to not understand Randi's way of thinking.

"I know, I know very well. But please, you guys also understand me. I--"

"Understood what you said? No! I wouldn't want to understand you. You should be the one to realize this, this all started with you. But after it happened, you just walked away and seemed to raise your hand. Even though it's obvious this was all you." Laras connects.

"Laras, please listen to my explanation until it's finished, after that it's up to you whether you want to believe me or not." Randi looked at Laras with pleading eyes.

"No, I don't need your explanation. All I need is your responsibility, okay! So, now you want to go back to Jakarta or not?"

Randi was about to answer, he had even opened his mouth. But stopped by a woman's voice that made the three of them suddenly turned towards the door.

"I will not allow Randi to return to Jakarta."

Ratih, Randi's mother. The woman seems to have just come here. It was evident from her dragging a large suitcase in her right hand. Also thick clothes that cover her body.

"What do you mean? You let Randi be an irresponsible man?" Laras stood up. Staring at Ratih in despair.

"It's not like that, Laras. But you already know that Randi is an only child. He doesn't have a brother, sister or even cousin. He's the only hope of our big family. So, if Randi can't get his dream job, he will so what will our family be?"

How petty, thought Nindy. How could Randi's mother still think about her family.

"Then, do you think that I also don't have a future? I also don't have a family that I have to continue the business with? I have one too, Mother. It's not just Randi who is the only hope in the family, me too. Please don't be selfish, Mom." Laras spoke quietly. From her tone of voice, there was a hint of concern over this rejection.

"But at least your parents are all dead, so there's nothing to be ashamed of if people find out that you're pregnant out of wedlock."

Laras anger peaked, she looked at Ratih sharply. "Do you think that if my parents die, that means I'm free to do anything, including being fucked by a coward like Randi? No, Mom! Just so you know, my family also has a business that needs to be protected. He?!!" Laras pointed at Randi using her index finger. Although the man only looked away when Laras pointed at him.

Ratih herself has lost her vocabulary, she wants to deny everything. But what happened instead, the sentence she had assembled just disappeared when she heard the follow-up sentence from Laras.

"Do you think I want everything to happen? I really love Randi, really love it. But this is not the way for Randi to stay with me. Do you think when I do dirty things I have to? willing to come to the traditional birth attendant to abort this child." Lara's breath hitched. The image of a woman's scream from the next room as she was about to abort at that time swirled in her head. Imagine how a lot of blood would pour out of her stomach.

"Laras, you??" Randi looked at Laras with wide eyes, he didn't think that Laras would do such a sinful thing.

"Yes!! If you want to know, I am really frustrated because of everything. Even if I could, I hope that God will be kind and take my life as well as this child so that you are free! Free to do whatever you want, including being the pride of your family."

Nindy stood up, she rubbed Laras arm in an attempt to calm her down. Nindy knows very well that Randi is just an outsider who managed to enter Laras' life, the rest Randi doesn't know Laras' past. How she wanted to get out of her father's trap, Randi didn't know at all. And Laras will not tell everything to Randi either.

"Laras, please. Control yourself so you don't do that stupid thing." Randy said.

"What? Stupid? Who was more stupid than you who left me in a state of near depression?"

Neither Randi nor Ratih spoke again. Both of them seemed to be silenced by the facts that Laras revealed.

"So, I ask again. It's up to who is in charge, Mother or Randi, please. Once again I ask, is Randi willing to take responsibility and return to Jakarta?"

"Laras, I already explained. I wanted to but I couldn't, because of course neither my mother nor my father would agree."

"If today Mother approves you to take responsibility, will you?"

Randi swallowed hard. He finally nodded despite the mounting doubts. "Yes I do."

Laras gaze now turned to Ratih. The woman immediately turned her face away, as if she didn't want to meet Laras' eyes.

"Mom? Do you agree?"

By God, Ratih also understands what Laras is feeling. But she also didn't want her family to lose their only successor. How would his father react if he found out that his favorite grandson had ruined a woman and even got her pregnant? Just imagining it made Ratih want to cry.

"Mom? I expect a lot from you." Laras tried to beg. I hope that this beautiful woman will open her heart a little so that she can allow Randi to take responsibility for her actions.

"Even if Mother agrees, Randi's father definitely forbids it." Ratih voice. Although in her heart she doubted her own answer.

"But don't you agree? Mom, I know how much influence you have on Randi. So, even if Randi's father doesn't agree but Mom agrees, that's fine. Because you are the decision maker here. So, Laras is really begging you." Laras held Ratih's hand, rubbed it gently while looking deeply into Ratih's eyes. She wanted to convey how painful it was to fight alone.

It's not okay, she already wants to go crazy, what will happen in the future?

"Mom? Please Laras. I don't want to live alone and die because of my own stupidity."

Long time no answer, finally Ratih opened her voice. Laras thought, she would hear a good answer. But what happened was the opposite.

"Sorry, Laras. I still won't allow Randi to return to Jakarta or be responsible for what you want. But don't worry, Mother will fully bear your needs during pregnancy, even until the child grows up, Mother will always pay for it."

I don't know at what second, Laras ran as hard as she could from there. No words, no goodbyes.