Fight Over Salad

"Really?! Why? Who is that person? Crazy!" Rizka asked as if she couldn't believe what she was hearing. Her reaction was too exaggerated if Laras said, so what if Laras broke up with Randi? Does this make a lot of people lose, including Rizka in it? No isn't it?

"Ah, tell me. How did you break up with Randi?That's crazy." Rizka suddenly sat beside Laras, removing several piles of thick books so she could put her hands on the table.

"So, what if I break up with Randi? Problems?"

"Oh, of course it's a problem, right?! You two are the most romantic couple on campus. Randi always treats you like a queen. Gentle, loving, patient and handsome again. You too, beautiful, smart, known to many people as a good person. Crazy. You two are really couple goals. How did you break up? That's why I'm surprised like this, Ras." Rizka spoke at length.

Laras was stunned. So, this is how people view her and Randi all this time? Perfection she said? What's perfect with a cowardly man who can't take responsibility for his own actions?

"I broke up because I wasn't even married." Laras answered briefly as well as original. She returned to dwelling on the laptop displaying the pages of her journal.

Rizka herself was actually not satisfied with Laras' answer, she chuckled softly. "Tsk, that's a shame. Even if the two of you get married, I promise I'll make a special vlog for the two of you. But apparently, God had other plans." Rizka spoke slowly, her hand moving to reach into her backpack. Get something out of there.

"Don't you want it?" Rizka handed her a container of peeled durian.

"You can't eat in the library, Rizka."

"You can if you don't find out."

Laras chose to ignore Rizka who was starting to get busy with her durian. Luckily they were in the corner of the library. So, the supervisor couldn't see Rizka who was just eating the fruit.

"Do you want it?" Rizka held out a piece of durian to Laras.

Laras accepted it with joy. Durian is one of his favorite fruits. It tastes good and also has a very delicious aroma. At first it was fine, Laras was still able to chew while enjoying the durian fruit. But with just one more bite to go, her stomach felt like it was being squeezed hard from the inside. Severe nausea hit, which forced her to put the rest of the durian on the laptop, left it and immediately ran to the toilet.

In the women's toilet, Laras vomited all the contents of her stomach. So weak that she had to lean against the toilet wall to keep herself from sinking under the floor.

"Shit, unlucky child." Laras hit her stomach which was still flat in annoyance.

This kid sucks. Not even coming out already bothered her to the point that she had to vomit up the durian she just ate. Laras immediately washed her face and wiped it. She had to return to the library immediately and finish the task immediately. Because all she wanted now was to lie on a soft mattress, without being disturbed by anyone.

"What's wrong?" Rizka asked when Laras sat back beside her.

"No problem, just a little nauseous."

"Are you sure, Ras? Your face is so pale. Don't you think you like durian?"

Laras just sighed tiredly. "I don't know, maybe because I haven't eaten since yesterday."

"You didn't eat because of Randi, did you? You must be really sad to have to break up with him, right?"

Laras didn't answer Rizka's question. She just focused on her laptop. Rizka is a friend, you could say they are close because they are often in a group together to do group work. They were also in the same class during high school. Laras also understands Rizka's character. She's the type of person who has a high level of curiosity. To the extent that she had to meddle in other people's business.

"Ras? Tell me, are you sad that you broke up with Randi? Then who do you want to marry later? Surely that guy is better than Randi, huh?"

Obviously, Panji is much better than Randi.

"No, Riz. We're just not a match."

"Tsk! That's fine, I hope you and your candidate can be happy." Without waiting for Laras' response, Rizka stood up and left Laras alone.


Laras has already collected her assignments. She came home from campus in her own car. Even though Nindy had asked her to do it, Laras refused. She thought that driving alone especially in the afternoon was like healing, even though she would most likely be stuck in traffic. But still, driving while listening to music always succeeds in making her relax a little.

Sure enough, she was stuck in traffic. While humming a little, Laras looked out the window. Watching the many people walking on the sidewalk. Also some street vendors selling their wares from one vehicle to another.

Laras gaze fell on a rujak merchant on the left side of the road. For some reason, she really wanted the salad. How the spicy and sour sensation mixed into one, succeeded in making her bite her lips. So without thinking, Laras immediately parked her car in the parking lot of one of the minimarkets. Walk a little to get to the rujak.

"Sir, is the salad still?" Laras asked when she saw that the aquarium which usually contained fruit was now empty.

"Still, Sis. Incidentally there is only one serving."


"Sir, it's one salad, right? Hurry up because my wife is craving."

Laras cash glared when a man grabbed. "Hell? I bought it first, Sir. How do you get in line?!" Laras spoke in disgust.

"Oops, Sis. Please give up, okay? My wife is pregnant, she really wants salad, she said, but it's fast."

"I don't care what the reason is, I go first, this salad is for me." Laras emphasized while pointing at one portion of the wrapped salad.

"Isn't there any more, Sir?" The man asked the salad seller.

"Nothing, Sir. There's one left and I happen to want to pay this ma'am." The seller pointed at Laras and was about to hand her a plastic bag containing salad. But unlucky, the man even took it without permission. Laras immediately sharpened her gaze.

"For me, yes, Ma'am? Please really." He said as he reached into his pocket. "Here, I'll give compensation to her mother."

Of course Laras was angry. "Huh, Sir?! I was going to buy salad, I came first, ordered first. You came and stole my salad, that's how I want to compensate. The reason is that my wife is pregnant, is it only your wife who is pregnant? Sir?!"