
"Well, ma'am, you're still in college, why are you pregnant? You don't have to admit it, Ma'am. Don't worry. After all, this is for my wife, not for me."

Laras just got annoyed. For some reason, she was desperate for rujak, which the man in front of her had seized. Therefore, no matter what, she must be able to get it back. After all, the rujak should have belonged to Laras, but by not knowing the rules, the fat man took it at will.


Laras pulled the crackle bag containing the rujak, then lifted it high into the air. "This is mine, I ordered first."

The man with the plump stature tried to snatch the crackle from Laras again. "That's mine?! I paid first!"

"No! That's fine! I ordered first." Laras hid the rujak behind her body so the man could not reach her. However, as if she was clever, the man grabbed Laras' hand tightly so she turned around, then snatched the rujak back from Laras' hands.

"Yes, Ma'am. Ma'am, find something else, this is for me."

"No! Give it back!"

"No, it's mine!!"

The rujak scramble session became the spectacle of several passersby. They whispered to each other that the man had been rude to Laras. Do not want to give in and tend to be selfish. Maybe if Panji hadn't come and calmed Laras down, the man would have gotten long scratch marks on his cheeks.

"Laras, just let it go." Panji held Laras from behind until he was forced to remove the torn crackle.

"No! It's mine I know, I ordered first." Laras protested, annoyed with Panji holding her body. "Let go, eh!!!"

"Yes, Ma'am? This is my fix. Thank you, Sir. Please take care of the girlfriend." The man waved a little when the motorbike left Laras who was still pissed off.

"You?!" Laras let go of Panji's hand holding her. Turned to glare at the man. "I want to know rujak again?! That's the last rujak, it's no longer available!! And you even let the old gentlemen take it." Laras pouted.

"That's it, Laras. We'll find it easy to find another rujak seller later." Panji said calmly as he put his arm around Laras' shoulders to get her out of there.

"Where?! I want the one over there to know!" Laras was still sulking. She even crossed her arms while her mouth pouted.

"Come on, let me look for it. Just let it go, sorry for his wife's cravings."

"Yeah, why do you think I insist on wanting that salad?! Yes, because I'm craving it too, Panji!!! I want it, I really want it. But because of you I can't get it?!"

"Oh?" Instantly Panji's brain was buzzing. Sometimes he forgot that Laras was also pregnant.

"Laras, sorry. I forgot that you are also pregnant."

Laras glared. Shee looked at Panji in disbelief. "You forgot?! How could you forget that I'm pregnant?! He said the future husband, what husband forgot that his wife was pregnant?!"


"Like an idiot!" Laras walked quickly leaving Panji alone. I swear to anything, she was mad at Panji to death. She felt like she wanted to throw another glass at his head so he wouldn't go senile.

While Panji, he was busy holding back a smile that wanted to rise. For some reason, his heart was made happy by the name 'prospective husband' by Laras. Does that mean a green light for Panji to fight for Laras' heart?

Ah! Panji immediately patted his own cheek. It cannot stray. All he had to do was follow where Laras went, and persuade the woman to look for another rujak seller.

"Laras?! Stop it!!" Panji shouted as he chased Laras's fast-moving car. Luckily the woman's car window was left open, so Laras could hear Panji's screams.

"Laras?! Let's buy another rujak, I know a good rujak!?" Panji was still raising his voice when his car and Laras' car got closer.

"I don't want to!! Well, ah! Go home!! Don't follow me!!" Laras shouted back loudly. She even closed the window and then drove quickly away from Panji.

Panji did not remain silent, he immediately followed Laras. He was about to turn the steering wheel and overtake Laras, but unfortunately he lost quickly. It turned out that Laras' driving skill was much better than he thought.


Look, the two of them are like two criminals chasing each other. Until at the intersection, Laras' car was still speeding, but from the left a black car suddenly passed by, causing Laras to suddenly hit the brakes.


"Shitt?!!" Laras cursed because her forehead fell on the steering wheel.

While Panji, he immediately stopped his car on the edge. Then out in a hurry to approach Laras.

"Are you okay?" Panji opened Laras' car door. He could see she was rubbing her red forehead.

"Laras, are you okay?" She asked worriedly.

"Sick!!" Fight Laras while grimacing. "It hurts to know, no one's driving a car, huh?! You can't even see I'm there!!" Laras looked in the mirror in the red mirror. Then cursed because her forehead was purple, just like a bruise. It just hurts so bad.

"This is because you know? If you didn't stop me from taking the salad back, I wouldn't have a lump like this." Laras grumbled while stroking her forehead.

"Yes, sorry. Get off first, shall we? Just take my car, I'll send someone to take you home." Without a fight, Laras agreed to move into Panji's car.

"Want to go to the clinic or the hospital?"

asked Panji after calling someone to take care of Laras' car.


"That's a bruised forehead, do you want to be treated at the clinic or directly at the hospital?"

While Laras, she just stared at Panji's offer.

It's fine, but you don't have to go to the clinic either. Laras forehead is just a bruise, no stitches needed.

"My forehead is just a bump and a bruise, no need to go to the clinic."

"What will you be afraid of, Laras."

"Yes, you can cure it."


"Ouch!!" Laras shouted when Panji suddenly braked. She almost hit her head again if she didn't hold her hand.

"Why is it?!"

"Are you asking me to make medicine?" Panji looked at Laras in surprise. He also stopped the car and even the engine was dead.

"Yes, yes!! I also got a lump because of you. What's going on?!" Laras bent her face in disgust. Panji turned out to be quite annoying with his overly rigid attitude.

"But I can't treat sick people."

"Oh my God, Panji?!! I just got a little lump, the compression also heals. Can't you just do that?!"

Panji scratched the nape of the neck as a confused reaction. "Oh, use ice cubes?"

"Ice water, not ice cubes!"

"Ah, yes. Yes, where do you want to be treated?" asked Panji as he returned to his car.

"Just at your house."


Again, Panji suddenly hit the brakes, causing Laras to scream loudly again. "Ouch!!!"