
Today the sky in Jakarta was shrouded in thick clouds. The clouds seemed to be moving from one corner to another. Sometimes it's hot, but not long after it rains. It made a girl in a blue kebaya moan long. The original intention was to take pictures before graduated tomorrow, but instead she was stuck at the bus stop. Alone, befriended the cell phone that had been ringing and revealed the name of the same caller.

Panji, with love emoticon behind it.

The boy didn't stop calling, instead of picking up and saying hello, the girl chose to ignore him. Let the phone deeing go hand in hand with the sound of the rain falling down the earth.

Ghina, a high school student, where tomorrow is her last day holding that status. Instead of being greeted with joy, she was stuck in cloudy thoughts now. Apart from the plan which had to be canceled because the shooting studio was closed, the conflict a week ago had not yet ended.

Panji, Ghina's lover. He is the reason Ghina always goes into long daydreams. The man was furious because of Ghina's decision to continue her education to her mother's hometown, Yogyakarta.

Panji reasoned that if Ghina really left, the man would have an affair with many women. Getting drunk, racing wild, or something crazy like that. He says that he will return to his dark world, just as it was before Ghina came to light his life.

But, wouldn't it be very selfish if Panji forbade Ghina to continue her education?

"You can still go to college, but please don't go outside Jakarta. Don't you feel sorry for me? I'll be alone later."

The sentence in the form of rejection was said by Panji many times until Ghina was sick of hearing it. Until the climax, the two of them had a big fight. Ghina is desperate to go out alone with other men. Of course Panji was angry. Even though the man is in his third semester of college, he is very childish. He would be very angry if Ghina dared to be close to any man, even her own cousin.

"Since I decided to accept you in my life, that means I will accept everything that is in you. Bad you, good you, everything. But I think I'm quite fed up with your selfish nature. I went to Jogja not to cheat or play with any guy. I went to college there, Panji. Your bad assumption actually made me think that you never really believed in me. Even though we have spent years together. But you never once put your trust in me. Instead of I'm the one who is always sick and continues to succumb to your selfishness, it's better if we don't communicate first. Give me time to recover the many disappointments I've been because of you."

The long sentence with a tone full of disappointment was conveyed by Ghina through a voice note. And what happened after that was Panji who bombarded Ghina with lots of spam in the form of WhatsApp messages, messengers, or direct messages from the man. Not giving up because Ghina hasn't responded yet, Panji attacks her with a barrage of calls via cell phone. To the extent that Gina has to turn on silent mode so that her cellphone stops ringing.

Fed up because this is the 46th call from Panji, Ghina finally picks up the call.

"What?" On the other side, Panji was heard asking a lot of questions. But instead of answering, Gina put the phone away from her ear. She let Panji chatter on the wind that blows along with the rain.

There was only one question that Ghina could hear, Panji asked where he was. "At the bus stop near the photo studio." Then after saying that, Gina hung up the phone.

She's again focused on the raindrops that now fill every corner of the earth's surface. Once again her heart was filled with deep disappointment. Today she has an appointment with Panji to do a photoshoot together before her graduation. It has been ordered, a fixed schedule has been made, it has been paid for. However, what can I do, the man never came. In the end, Panji informed him that he couldn't come because he had a college assignment to complete.

Disappointed, Ghina came here alone. And again she had to swallow the bitter pill if this photo studio closed, without giving any news beforehand. Maybe later Ghina can ask for a reschedule for tomorrow, right on her graduation day.

However, that is not the important point here. Ghina is still confused and vacillating about her decision to continue her studies. Should she obey her late father's request to study in Jogja, or obey Panji's request to stay here. Enrolled in the same college as the boy.

"Ghina!!" Ghina gasped as a result of a shout from someone who had just gotten off her motorbike.

He is Panji, with a wrinkled-looking almamater. He walked quickly to where Gina was sitting and then pulled the woman's body so that she was in his arms.

Ghina froze, after scolding her with various hurtful sentences, Panji still hugged her tightly, as usual. Instantly Ghina's heart warmed, she hugged Panji back by wrapping her arms around the man's waist.

"Sorry, I couldn't come earlier. How's the picture? I want to see it."

With a sad, Gina answered calmly. "The photo studio is closed."

"Is not it?"

"And I'm sad." Ghina continued her sentence without looking at Panji.

"Because the photo studio is closed?"

Ghina shook her head. "Because you can't keep promises anymore. Because you always put me in two difficult choices between you or my late father."

Panji ruffled his hair roughly. "Ghina, can we not talk about this first?"

Ghina looked up, looking at Panji with suppressed tears. "I can't, because this makes me tired." Her voice trembled slightly.

"Ghina, I told you right? I'm not only selfish wanting you to be beside me, but this is also for your own good. If you go to Jogja, you're alone. There's no need to worry about your mandate. Because your father isn't there anymore. Yes, Gin."

"Are you mean, when my father is gone, I don't have to listen to his orders, do you?"

Panji chuckled because again he accidentally said the wrong thing. "That is not what I mean."

"So what?! Just so you know, right? If asked to choose between you or my late father's mandate, I would obviously prefer my father. And that's enough! I don't want to hear anything else from you."

Ghina stops the taxi with her hand. Then she left Panji alone. Not staying silent, Panji followed her. Shouting Ghina's name many times behind the helmet he was wearing.

In the taxi, Ghina kept asking the driver to speed up even more. The climax, right at the intersection, a car accelerated and hit the taxi that Ghina was traveling in. It was not only the taxi that was involved in the accident, but the two cars behind it as well because the car from the opposite direction had lost control of its brakes.

Ghina groaned at the pain of her legs that felt as if they were severed. In her moans, she still had time to mention Panji's name.