Chapter 09: Mix Martial Arts Gym

Chapter 09: Mix Martial Art Gym

Author: Geraint

(MC's POV)

Few months later, in our orphanage after I came home from school.

I was about to go upstairs to my room,


A little girl joyfully run towards me and grabbed on my shirt,

"Oh, Risa-chan! Is something wrong?"

She's 4 year old little girl and she's one of the new orphan arrived here. Her parents went missing and she was brought here in this orphanage. She was a bright and cheerful girl.

"Ichika-oniichan! The doctor said that my quirk is really amazing!"

"Eh... What kind of quirk it is?"

I squatted down facing her.

She moved closer to me and whispered,

"It's called Teleportation. I can teleport from different locations where I already been."

"Wow! That's really amazing quirk you got there!"


Risa looks really happy.

"I have something more to tell you, Ichika-oniichan."

"What is it?"

She whispered again into my ears,

"Someday, when I grew up, I'm gonna marry Ichika-oniichan."


I just smiled, patting her head without taking what she said seriously.

"Okay, I'm looking forward for it."

"Hehehe... Goodnight, Ichika-oniichan!"

"Wait Risa-chan!"


I took out something from my pocket and it's a keychain with a cute pink bunny doll.

As I smiled,

"Then take this as my gift for you."

Taking it, she looks very happy.

"Wow! It's cute! Thank you, Ichika-oniichan! I'll treasure this!"

"Hehe... Grow up and become a good girl."


I just patted her on the head and she really likes it.


The other children are waiting for her.


"Go! Don't show off your quirk for now, okay?"

"Yes! Bye bye~"

She ran back to the other children as I wave my hand at her.


"Suspicious... The doctor in charge of this orphanage never told me any ongoing check up today. I'm the one who secretly hired him."

Taking out my smartphone, I tried to called the doctor.

*Ring* *Ring*

"Hello! This is Fujiwara."


"Are you the doctor who did a check up here in the orphanage today?"

*Sorry, wait a minute. I'll check my schedule.*


*Mr. Fujiwara, sorry but there's no scheduled check up today on your place. If you book a schedule with me, I always make sure that I'm free for the whole day. You're my very important client after all.*

"Okay, thank you answering. I'll call you when the orphanage need a check up."

I ended the call.

(The orphanage is in danger. All-for-one is targeting the children with good quirks. I have to stay here on guard and protect the children but I don't know who will he targets. I have to check every children's quirk here.)


"This is really a big trouble but I don't care now what happens to me as long as I can protect this place and the children."

I walked back to my room.


A day later.

I was serving breakfast to the children who are falling in line in front of me.

"Today, we're having hamburger!"


The children were full of joy.

After giving the little boy who's in front of the line,

"Thank you, Onii-chan!"

"No problem, next!"

Bakugou and Midoriya was beside me when I ask them to help me to serve meals for the children in the orphanage.

"Deku! You deceived me! You told me that Ichika was challenging me into a fight!"

Bakugou was very furious.

"Wait! Kacchan, I didn't said anything about fighting!" Midoriya looks frightened of him.

"I was challenging you on a cooking battle. I'm confident that it's going to be one-sided again if we fight but when it comes to cooking you're a little ahead of me. I won't lose to you next time, Chef Bakugou!" I pointed the ladle at him.

"Who are you calling Chef, you pink-head bastard?!!"

"Hahahahahaha!" I just laughed at him as he grabs my collar.

"Damn you!"

*Ring* *Ring*

My phone was ringing in my pocket and I took it out.

"Excuse me."

Seeing the name of the caller,

[Calling... Idiot Rumi]

(I wonder what is this time.)

Answering the call as Bakugou let go of me.



Her voice was too loud that it hurts my ears.

"Sorry, Rumi but I'm busy today---"




I sighed,

(She's always like this.)

"Okay, fine! Let's meet in the playground."

*I'll be waiting for you!*

She ended the call.


I noticing that Bakugou and Midoriya are staring me.

"Don't worry, Ichika-san. You can leave this to us." Midoriya told me with a smile.

"Thank you, Deku... Bakugou."

"I never said anything yet!" Bakugou became angry.

"I leave everything to you guys."

I took off my apron and ran immediately to my room to change my clothes.


After meeting up with Rumi, she dragged me to the gym. She seems very excited.

Arriving in front of the gym,

(A mixed martial arts gym? How nostalgistic.)

The gym that I went to train from my past life was a little run down. After entering the world stage, I earned a lot of money from my fights and renovate the place. Now, it's good as new just like this new opened gym.

Rumi was beside me wearing a casual clothes.


It seems today was her day off from hero work.

"You often train in the woods, right? Why in a gym?"



She wasn't responding.

"Listen to this, Ichika! This place is popular from pro heroes and most of them train here!"

(She's also not listening to me.)

"Then what's the point, Rumi?"

"Ichika! This place visited by strong heroes! Of course, I can ask them to have a match with me! It's a martial arts gym after all!"

(I guess she was just bored.)

She always comes to my room and hang out with me but this time she wants to go outside.

"Now, I think about it. Why do you have call me to come with you?"

Rumi glanced at me,


But she was silent and confuse.

"...I don't really know... but it's really fun being around you. When I think of going outside, you're the first thing who comes up into my mind. And also--"

"Nevermind, let's go inside!"

I became a little embarrassed and immediately stop her from what she saying.

"Okay... Now, let's look for someone who's worthy enough to become my opponent."

Entering inside the gym,

The first thing I see is a octagon cage with two big man sparring each other.

Both of them are wearing safety gear.

There are also some people punching heavily a huge bag.

"It seems today was really busy here."


Rumi was excited looking around as she steps forward,

"Hey! Is there anyone who can spar with me?!" she yelled, asking them.

When some guys working out noticed us,

"Wait! Isn't that Mirko, the rabbit hero?"

"Isn't she a new pro hero?"

"Why is a kid with her? Is he her little brother?"

"They don't look a like at all."

A handsome guy approached Rumi with a smile on his face,

"Thanks for taking my invitation, Mirko and welcome to my Mix Martial Arts Gym."

He lifted his hand, asking her for a handshake but Rumi just stares at him.


There was an awkward atmosphere between them.

"Mirko! Handshake! Handshake!" the handsome guy whispered becoming desperate.

I noticed that Rumi was hesitating.


The handsome guy grabbed her hand and force a handshake him which made me feel annoyed.

I can feel something malicious from this guy.

"I'll show you around, Mirko."


Rumi was staring at her hand.

"Hey, what's wrong?"

The handsome guy was caressing her hand.

"How long are you going to hold my hand?" Rumi asked him with cold tone.

"Ah! Uhmm... Sorry about that."

He immediately let go of her hand.

"Anyway, who's that kid with you?"

Rumi wrapped her arm around my shoulder and pulled me beside her.

"Oh, this is my friend, Ichika. I asked him to come with me." she introduced me with a big grin on her face.



The handsome guy looks annoyed at me.

(My hunch was right. This guy is just trying to hit on Rumi.)

"You know, Mirko... this place is off limits for kids. Making him watch a real fight is bad for his growth. Violence is something we shouldn't show to a kid."

(I know more the difference between sports and violence than you.)

"You don't have to worry about that. Ichika always gets into a fight with his fellow children in the playground and most of the time, he..." Rumi spoke with confident tone.

"Fine then... this kid can stay but only for today. You can't bring him next time, okay?"

"I don't care! I just want to spar with the strongest one here!"

Rumi was cracking her fist.

"Okay, I'll ask someone! The changing room is over there so please change into your workout dress." the handsome guy pointed on a room.

"This is exciting. I can't wait!"

When I was about to follow after her,

"Wait! Where are you going?"

The handsome guy grabbed me on my shoulder.

I pointed at Rumi without replying to him.

"This place is supposed to be an off limit to a brat like you. You should thank Mirko for not kicking out of you here! If not for her, we already thrown you out here without hesitation."

"What do you want then?"

"Well, brat... I want you... to buy all of us a drink!"

Looking around, I found a vending machine of different drinks.

As I pointed at it,

"But there's a---"

"That machine is not working!"

There's a big grin on his face.

(This bastard is lying.)

I felt really annoyed that I want to punch this guy in the face.

"I ref---"

"Ichika!! I forgot to bring my wallet with me today! Please buy me some drink!" Rumi shouted from the ladies changing room.



I sighed,


"Seems like you're an obedient brat. Now, go and buy us some drink."

The handsome guy grabbed my hand and placed the money in my palm.

Staring at the money in my palm, I looked back to his annoying face.

"Now, go! Why are staring at me like that?! Hurry or I'll kick you out of here!"

I crumpled the money as I close my hand,


I threw it on his face and walked away,

"Damn you, brat!"

He tried to kick me but I easily avoided it without looking back.

The others held him tightly before he can attack me again.

"Come back here, you brat!"

"Hey! He's just a kid!"

"Come back and I'll teach you a lesson!"

Going out of the gym, I decided to go on a nearest convenience store.

While choosing a drink on a refrigerator,


I sighed again while mumbling,

"Being a child again is really annoying."

(Seeing Rumi being touched by that guy really frustrates me. I want to get angry but I can't talk back against them because I'm just a 9 year old child who's not on the right age to have a romantic relationship. Damn this child body!)

While walking back after buying a drink,

(My situation is really hopeless whatever I think because Rumi is 11 years older than me. I might able to maintain a good relationship with her because of my mental age is actually older than her but my body is of a child. Having a romantic relationship with this body will bring a lot of problem especially my age. There will be a lot of struggles.)

Arriving in front of the gym,

It felt like I'm not suitable for her and it really saddens me when I think about it. Guys who's close to her age like that handsome bastard is more suitable for her.


As I sighed again.

*Crash!* *Shatter*

Someone crashed out of the window the gym in which surprised me.


When I look at the person who crashed out, it was huge and ripped man but he looks beaten up.

Suddenly, several men ran out of the gym in hurry.

All of them looks very frightened.

"Aaaahhhh!!! She's a monster!"

"The manager lied to us!"

"There's no way I'll fight someone like her!"

"That chick is crazy!"


Checking what happened inside the gym, I saw Rumi sitting on the stairs of the octagon cage. She's in her workout outfit which exposed her ripped body.

She looks really disappointed and bored.

Inside the cage are three guys together with the handsome guy who's trembling in the side on the ring. He looks totally beaten up and was about to cry

I approached Rumi and brought the drink she asked me,

"Nice workout, Rumi."

When she looked at me,


She sighed.

"What nice workout? I didn't even sweat a bit! These guys are nothing but weaklings! That creepy guy lied to me! I don't want to come back here anymore." she keeps complaining.

"This leaves a bad taste in my mouth. The worst day ever! There's nothing here, Ichika. Let's just go home."

Seeing Rumi like this, I looked around the gym and I found a pair of mitts.

I picked it up and wore it into my hands.

Taking deep breath, I ran then jumped very high and I landed inside the octagon ring.

"What are you doing, Ichika?"

"Come inside the ring, Rumi. I felt a little bit rusty so I'll work out a little bit with you."


"You've been asking me to have a match with you, right? Fine, I shall accept it only for today."

Rumi jumped inside the octagon ring.


When the guys lying down on the noticed her they immediately got frightened and climbed out of the ring.

"Are you ready, Rumi?"

"Yeah, are you really sure about this, Ichika?"

"It's fine. Today is special day. It's not really bad to workout sometimes."

I felt like the things weighing on my mind was lifted.

I might not suitable for her because of my age but I'll try my best to make things work out between us.

"I'm ready, Ichika."


Rumi took her stance as I move my feet around.


Rumi charged towards me with a smile.

She looks really excited again and I'm happy about it.

(To be continued.)

(A/N: Here's what you asked me. I'll fix my mistakes later.)