Chapter 12: Defeating All for One

Chapter 12: Defeating All for One

Author: Geraint

(MC's POV)

Running out of the warehouse, behind me was Rumi following after me.

"Hey, answer me! You're Ichika, right?! Show me your face!"

"Rumi, this is not the right time to interrogate me."

"As I expected! You're really are Captain Falcon. Why do you keep denying it?!"

"It's not that I didn't trust you, Rumi. I just want to keep this identity myself."

Thanks to the hood I'm wearing, none from Pro Heroes around was able to recognized me except Mirko. She's someone very close to me and she will able to tell it's me just from her instinct.

"From the start, Ichika! I already thought that you're Captain Falcon."

"Oh... Was that the reason you never treated like a child?"

"No, not really. You just sounds like my old man who always nags at me."

"Pfffffft! Hahaha!"

I smiled, looking ahead, seeing All Might going toe-to-toe with All for One.

"Rumi, I want you to work with me to defeat that Villain Boss."

"What are we gonna do?"

"I will create an opening while distracting him. I'm sure he wouldn't notice that I'm Captain Falcon. At the same time, you'll attack him above with your powerful kick. Make sure go for the head or our plan will fail."

"I get it! Just take him down and smash him from above, right? Leave to me!"

"Yeah, wait for the right time."

Mirko part ways with me as I increases my speed and rushes between All Might and All for One.

Everything around them was completely destroyed and All for One was standing on a high ground created by his different kinds of quirk.

He was gathering energy from his palm as black electricity flickers around him.

"Nothing but the same charade I seen when your Master, 'Shimura Nana' perish in my hands. That was really funny. Thanks for making me laugh."

All Might looks very furious as he stood tall despite his injuries.

"I will never forgive you!"

He rushed towards All for One.

As All for One aimed at All Might,

"I'll send you to her death bed."

I suddenly appeared between the two of them.

"A brat?"

All Might panicked when he saw me,

"What are you---"

All for One just grinned at us.

"Who cares? Just perish with him then."

He shoots a powerful blast.

Showing my face to All for One then I smiled,


I just slapped the blast with my right hand and it quickly disappeared.



All Might and All for One was completely shock.

I jumped, launching a powerful punch on his chest as my fist blazed in flames forming a shape of bird.

"Falcon... Punch!"

All for One's eyes widened as he took my right fist.



"Is that all you can do, Falcon?"

I was surprised when he caught my fist with his huge right hand.

He was able to block my attack but his hand was burned by my flames.


His hand shrinks as my right hand nullified his quirk.

(I might retained Captain Falcon's abilities and strength, but my body won't be able to fully utilize it because of my smol stature.)


He grabbed me on the neck and lift me up.

"I remember now... You are that child from that time! I never thought we'll see each other again."

I grabbed on his wrist but he started my neck and choke me out.

"To think that child will be you, Captain Falcon!"

While out of breath, I just forced myself smile at him.

"You fell for it, fool!"

I held his wrist tightly as flame appeared in my right foot, flickering with electricity.

Him lifting me up, gave me right distance to hit him with powerful kick.

"Eat this!"

Giving him a sweeping kick on the chin, he lost his strength on his grip and let go of my neck.

His neck twisted a little bit.

"Why is my defensive quirk not working..."

Landing back on the ground while staring at him.

Pointing my thumb on myself,

"REMEMBER THIS, YOU SH*TTY BOSS VILLAIN! My name is FUJIWARA ICHIKA and my quirk is ALL FOR NOTHING! No matter how much quirk you collected in your entire life, I will just nullify them all and become useless!" I spoke loudly with arrogant tone.

Hitting him in the chin very hard, he staring to lose his balance and his legs trembled.

"You're just nothing but a brat!"

When he was about to grab me out of anger,

"Look above you."

I pointed my index finger above me.



Mirko was falling from the sky with a powerful downward kick and exactly hit All for One in the face.




Mirko drove him down straight into the ground beneath her feet and destroyed the ground in which created a crater.

After taking him down, she immediately jumps back to my side.

"How about that!"

I frowned seeing All of One standing up after that deadly kick from Mirko.

His face was fatally injured and covered in blood as he glares at me with bloodshot eyes.

(What a tenacity!)

"Falcon! Do you think I let myself be defeated by such a mere brat?"


This annoyed when my plan works but didn't finished our enemy.

(I have to think of another way.)

"Don't forget that I'm still here, All for One!"

All Might charged at him for with blinding speed.

All for One's arm became bulky then pointed his palm at All Might's direction.

Just when All Might was about hit him with powerful punch, he released a devastating shockwave that cancelled out All Might's attack.

"This is getting exciting!"

Mirko rushed forward to the enemy with a big grin on her face.


"Rumi, wait!"

I wasn't able to stop her.

I don't have other choice but to follow after her.

(As long as I am here, his option of quirk is limited.)

"Take this!"

When Mirko launched a mighty kick over All for One,

"That hurts! You little--"

All for One's finger elongated and hit Mirko in the stomach then pushed her far away.


All Might grabs All for One's arm then pulled him as he hit on the face and drove him down on the ground.

"Detroit... Smash!"


I covered my eyes and resisted the force of shockwave that came from All Might's attack.

"Is this the end? Huh?"

When the shockwave dissipates, my eyes can't believe what I'm seeing.

All Might completely destroyed his face but I saw All for One's huge arm with different metallic pointy objects sticking out on it, drilled on his side.


All of blood spouted from All Might's mouth.

Are things going the same as the real story?

"All Might!"

All for One weakly stood up as All Might fell on his knees.

"You gave me a hard time, All Might. But I will send you now to your demise."

He pointed his palm at All Might's head and his arm started to get bulky.


"I won't let you!"

I kicked his arm to change the tragectory of his attack upwards.


All for One angrily yelled.

He made his left arm huge with full of spiky metals and drills then launches a full swing on me.

I set my left fist ablaze then released a powerful punch infused with lightning.

"Falcon Punch!"

Our fist collides with each other.

Despite giving all my strength, I was being pushed away.


My stature is giving me a huge disadvantage.

The collar around my right arm was being disintegrated as small injuries appeared.



It took a little while but all the quirk enhanced his arm got all nullified.

(Just how many quirks did I nullify to take that long?)

Both of our arms got thrown away.

His other other arm also suddenly became bulky and fused different quirks then he swung at me again.

(I won't be able to use my right arm on time!)

I'm also not in a position to dodge it because of the recoil.

My eyes just watched his huge fist launched to me.



I was surprised when I saw All Might blocked his attack with his fist.


All Might spouted some blood.

He was severely bleeding while trying hard to stand up.

"All Might!"

"Ho-ho. Looks the half-dead is still moving."

"I won't let you take... Ugh... another life!"

When I was able to set ablaze my right arm again, leaning forward as I throw a right hook on All for One's stomach.


Few seconds later, all of the enhanced quirk he applied on his body got nullified.

"I won't let it end here!"

All for One was about to do something.


Mirko appeared behind him and launched a powerful kick on his back.



"All Might, let's give it one last time!"


All Might willed himself and endures the pain.



As we hit All for One with our fist combined.




All for One's head explodes as it lifelessly fell on the ground.

*Pant* *Pant*

All Might and I are breathing heavily.

"Finally... It's over."

All Might fell on his knees.

I noticed that he is in very critical condition and I have send him immediately to the hospital.

Trying to support him with my shoulder,


All of sudden, All for One's body was shrouded with black aura.

(This quirk! It's the Warp Gate Guy! I have to stop him from taking his body!)

All Might beside me is losing blood and his consciousness is fading. Every second is important and if I don't bring him to hospital quickly, he'll surely die.

But making sure that All for One is dead and keep his body on the custody will bring peace in my life. All I will do to grab away All for One's body and nullify the Warp Gate with my right hand however, in exchange, All Might dies with blood loss.

I am now in big dilemma that will decide the future of this world.


"Ichika! He's being taken away!"

Rumi tried to attack All for One's body but it was quickly taken inside the Warp Gate.

"Forget it, Rumi! We need to bring All Might quickly in the hospital."

Mirko saw All Might's condition.


Rumi and I brought All Might to the near ambulance arrived and I was held in custody by the Pro Heroes.

(To be continued.)

(A/N: Finally! I'm finished with this complicated part. Thanks for reading! I'll fix my mistakes later.)
