Chapter 32: The All in One Hero

Chapter 32: The All in One Hero

Author: Geraint

A/N: To support me, pls donate to my Paypal.


Thank you very much, it will be a quite big help to me.


(MC's POV)

While running through the panicking crowd,

"It's all right! Calm down! Please don't push! Everything's fine!"

The police desperately yelled while evacuating the people but it was futile.

"Move away!"

A fat old man bumped on my woman who's carrying her little daughter.


Before she falls into the ground while hugging her daughter, I immediately appeared on her side and caught both of them in my arms.

"Are you okay, Ma'am?" I smiled gently at them.

The mother's face was a little bit reddish when she looks at me.

"I-I-I'm fine! Thank you for saving us." she was stuttering.

I glared at the man who bumped into them then grabbed him in the collar and lifted him up like nothing with my left hand.

"Pay attention to your surroundings! You nearly hurt these two!"

"The city is under attack by villains! Who won't get scared?!" he was struggling and retorted.

"They already said that everything is under control! Are you not even listening? Pro Heroes has already arrived and they are fighting the villains! Can you evacuate peacefully?"

"Uuuuuuugh! I can't breathe!"

I let go of him as he falls to the ground.

"Next time you do this again, I'll drag you back inside with me! Stay calm and follow the safety procedures, understand?"

"Hieee! Yes, I'm sorry!"

The man got frightened of me and ran away.

"He's not listening..."

"Wow! Onii-chan, you're so cool! Are you some kind of hero?"

The little child spoke to me.

"Nope, just a passing by civilian." I patted her head.

"Gyaaaaah! Monster?!!"

I heard some screams from a man.

"Sorry, I have to go. Please quickly evacuate to a safe place."

Leaving the two of them, I saw a white Nomu standing on top of a car.


Some Pro Heroes tried to suppress the Nomu but they got defeated and pushed away.


It was rampaging around.

I was in dilemma if I'm going to help them or not.

*Father, you shouldn't butt in on this incident! I know you want to help the Pro Heroes but your abilities should remain hidden for now. Your subordinates are trying to prepare everything in hurry for you. Don't waste their efforts!*

Roboco suddenly spoke and warned me through my earphone hanging behind my ears.

"I know."

*I already contacted Grandpa and he's coming now. They just have to hold on for few minutes. Don't cause anymore trouble for yourself.*

"Tch! Good grief! Such misfortune."

I didn't brought any of my gadgets because Roboco forbid me for the sake of our future plans and I totally agreed that it's a good idea. Our technology must be remain a secret before we take on the current chairman of the Hero Public Safety Commission and the other higher ups.

Looking around in the vicinity, everyone was crying for help. My eyes can see things in slow motion. A little girl who separated from her mom was crying in the middle of the road while the people running away. A man in a suit who was groaning in pain on the ground after being hit by a debris. An old man who's trying to help his old wife but having a hard time evacuating.

I realized that I can help them with my current power just like when I was still Captain Falcon. I didn't want to do hero jobs but the situation calls me just like this and I ended up saving them.

"I don't want to risk anything but I'll do what I can as a public citizen."

I ran normally towards the injured man and I noticed that his right leg is broken.

"Uuuuuuugh! My legs!"

"Don't worry, I'm here to help you. Everything will be fine."

I helped him get into a comfortable position, encouraged him to rest, and then I reassure him.

"Hang on! I'm going to call professional help, okay?"

The man nodded at me and I used my coat to cover his body.

Speaking through my earphones,


*I already called them. They're coming!*


I ran towards the lost little girl when I noticed that the Nomu lifted a car and thrown it towards the two Pro Heroes but it missed and was about to hit the little girl.


I immediately rush and grab the little girl.


I was able to avoid the car and save the little girl.

Sighing in relief,

"That was close!"


A woman ran towards us crying and hugged the little girl.


The little girl cried too.

"Ma'am, please evacuate this place."

"Thank you, sir! Thank you very much!"

The woman was full of gratitude to me.

"Yeah, hurry and go!"

"Thank you very much!"

The woman left with her child in hurry.

I stood up and noticed that the medical team has finally arrived and took the man with injured leg.

Other Pro Heroes has also arrived and came to help defeating the Nomu together but suddenly,

"Ha ha ha ha!"

(This idiotic laugh...)

Looking above, All Might came from the sky and kicked down the Nomu.


"I am here!"

Everyone smiled and cheered when they saw him.

"It's All Might!"


When All Might saw me, he gave me a thumbs up in which annoyed me.

I turned around and waved my hands.

(I understand... I can't use my abilities in this situation. The Hero Public Safety Commission will arrest me or something. I have to be patient.)

*Father! Some remaining Villains escaped through the underground sewer just now! Hurry! They are carrying two children with them!*

(I don't know what is these villains planning but I won't let get away just like that because of this incident--)

"What?!! Where are they? Give me their possible direction of their escape route."

*Calculating every possible escape path... Father, please follow my direction!*


I immediately ran along the streets.

Turning to the side, I saw a maintenance manhole cover in the middle of the road then I opened it up and jumped down.

Running through the sewer at a high-speed turning from corner to corner, following Roboco's direction.

I was using my smartphone's flashlight to light up my path.

*Just a little more.*

Ahead of me, I heard several steps running away along this path.

*Go right.*


As I turned to the right side, voices of the children crying was echoing in the distance.

"Mama!... Help me!"


"Shut up! Stop crying, you pipsqueaks!"


"Damn it! Things didn't go well because of Mirko and Ryukyu! I never thought they were just around!"

I frowned hearing the frustrated voice,

"I have to hurry before Kurogiri were able pinpoint their location and use warp gate to make them escape."

Channeling lightning on my left hand as white electricity flickering around my body like chirping birds.

It light ups my path while I sped up more faster forward.

Seeing the villains ahead, I saw three Nomus with one of them carrying two child. One was a boy and the other one was girl. The two of them looks related so they must be siblings. Running ahead of them was a man with his face covered with a black mask.

Just before the largest Nomu noticed me, I thrust my left hand on his back, piercing through his chest.

"Lightning Edge!"


As I pulled my arm, the large Nomu falls lifelessly on the ground.

"What?! How?"

Before they can react, I already moved and snatched the two children on their grasp then hit them with my fist at a high-speed.



The three of them drops on the ground.

(So one of the Nomus has some kind of defensive quirk on its body but it was nullified.)

The man was groaning in pain.

"Get him!"

The two Nomus stood up and charged at us.

Putting down the children beside me,

"Stay behind me."

The two children hid on my back.

I discharged back the lightning in my left hand then I turned it in a form of a beast and attacked the two Nomus.

"Lightning Hound!"

I controlled the lightning beast to move side by side then launched it, electrocuting the Nomus until they get burned into crisps.

They fell down lifelessly.

Lastly, I glanced at frightened man on the ground.

"Please, spare me!"

Just as I was supposed to approach the man, I heard several steps going to our location.

"Consider yourself lucky that I won't be the one who punishes you."

I kicked him precisely on the chin and knocked him out then I turned back to the kids.

I decided just to pat their heads with a smile even though they can't me in the dark.

"Farewell... Stay here and wait for the help, okay?"

Before the flash of the light struck me, I swiftly ran away and disappeared in the dark.

"I found the children!"

(To be continued.)

(A/N: I'll fix my mistakes later.)