Chapter 53: The High-Spec Pon

Chapter 53: The High-Spec Pon

Author: Geraint

A/N: To support me, pls donate and subscribe,




(3rd Person's POV)

After two months and two weeks of non-stop working and sleep deprived at night, Ichika has finally finished building Roboco's body.

"Hahaha... Finally!"

He laughed with bags under his eyes while in his adult form. With oily gloves wore in his hands and a white coat that made him look like a pharmacist, he looks satisfied, seeing the completed Roboco's beautiful humanoid robot body with fair skin. He made her as requested by her AI daughter with amber eyes and long brown hair. She looks very humanlike in appearance but with her black arms and white legs that shows off the mechanics that she's a robot.

Ichika also made her looks voluptuous with the female parts which is very well made and the well toned skin which looks very realistic that anyone see her will misunderstood that she's a human.

The body is sitting on a chair with the leg crossed with each other and the arms laying on the armrest. Different chords are plugged in from behind it's back and on the wrist of the arms which is Ichika was putting the body under test.

"Roboco, try to speak."

The lip of the robot moves and tried to speak.

*Aaah~ Eeehh~ Iiihh~*

The voice sounds a little bit robotic as it echos in the room.

"That's enough."

Ichika encircled something on his notes.

"Okay, open your eyes and look at me. Tell me if it is clear."

The robot slowly opened her eyes, showing her amber iris. She looks around then glanced at him.

*I can see. Father's hair is really pink.*

"Roboco, I told you it's curse."

Ichika checks his notes.

"Now, move your arms. If you can, try to stand up and move your legs.

Roboco saw that she can move her fingers then lift her arms. She decided to stand up and tried to maintain her balance.

Ichika checked something on his notes but suddenly,


Roboco fell forward but Ichika immediately caught her.


She felt something strange inside her circuit and let herself hugged him, feeling his warmth.


This triggered Ichika's familial love on her and embraced her back as he pats her head.

"What a strange robot daughter.*


A week later, in front of the new Hero Public Safety Commission, Gentle was in tears looking at the National Hero License in his hands. Kneeling down, raising the card in his hands, La Brava beside him can't stop her tears seeing the man she loves happy.

"You did it, Gentle! I'm so happy for you."

"This is thanks to you, La Brava."

"Of course, I will do everything to make you pass the exam."

Gentle glanced at Ichika with gratitude.

"Thank you, Falcon. Thank you very much for giving this chance."

Ichika grinned at him, giving him a thumbs up.

"No problem! You're not Gentle Criminal anymore. From now on, you're the Gentleman Hero: Mr. Gentle. You have earned it with your hardwork."

Ichika remembered how he manipulate the Hero Public Safety Commission to qualify Gentle Criminal for the exam.

"Yes, thank you."

Mr. Gentle bowed to him.

"Just don't make the same mistakes again and learn to work with others. I'm looking forward at your changes soon."

"Yeah, I promise. I won't let you down, Lord Vader!"


There was an awkward silence.



The two of them laughed together as La Brava looked at them with squinted eyes.

"Boys... Really..."

Ichika remembered and he turned towards La Brava,

"Oh, that's right! I have someone to introduce you."

He looks behind to the one who's hiding behind his back,


Roboco whos wearing a pink biker jacket with red stripes. Her lower body consists of a pair of inverted chaps that only cover her crotch.


La Brava was surprised at her sudden appearance and she didn't even notice that she was there hiding behind Ichika.


La Brava became teary-eyed and immediately ran towards Roboco and hugged her.

"Finally! We can see each other in real life! My only friend! No, we're best friends!"

*Manami-chan... that's saddening...*

She is her only friend because she was a shut in NEET which saddens Roboco.

*Then Manami-chan, can you come with me shopping? I need to buy some clothes but I don't understand fashion because I'm a robot.*

"Shopping? Sure!"

La Brava looks very happy when she was invited.

*Okay then, let's go.*


Both of them raised their fist as they walked together to the shopping district.

Gentle glanced towards Ichika and he curiously ask him,

"What about you, Falcon? Aren't you going to apply for Pro Hero license? Since you can manipulate your identity."

"Well, the same as ever. Spread my influence and expand my businesses. Majority of the money I earned goes directly to the charity. In order to stop the villains, you have to prevent the roots of the cause on why they become villains in the first place. I will start with the children and give them the bright futures. Also I need to improve the 'Quirk Counseling' method. Not just that, I have a lot of things to make in order to improve the lives of citizens."

Gentle looks very amaze on how dedicated Ichika to help the people. His method was better than just a Pro Hero beating up villains and save the day. He is saving those people before they became a villain. It's like solving poverty to lessen the crime. He was very inspired by his goals.

Ichika sighs as he looks up into the sky,

"I want to be sandwich between Rumi's thighs."

It was his ultimate goal.


Gentle was surprised and he thought that he misheard him.

"Nothing! Well, about the Pro Hero License, I'm still thinking if I want to get one."

"Eh? You're strong. You can get at the top rankings if you wanted to."

"I used to hate pro heroes and I consider myself some kind of Anti-Hero. Becoming one now after acting as Villain in front of the Pro Heroes, would that make me a hypocrite?"

"Same thing should be said to me."

"No, you're more like a prankster than a villain. If you consider prankster as a villain, would the children who does a lot of pranks would consider a villain?"

"Now, I think of it. You're a child, right? Falcon?"

"Yeah, I'm a ten year old boy."

"They weren't supposed to arrest you."

"Well, I can turn into adult. They're probably confused on will they arrest me."

"Hahaha! Yeah, you're right."

The two of them walk together while having empty talks. They went to follow after Roboco and La Brava.

(To be continued.)

(A/N: I'll fix my mistakes later.)