Chapter 111: Invisible Toru

Chapter 111: Invisible Toru

Author: Geraint

A/N: To support me, pls donate and subscribe,



YouTube channel: Geraint Ch.


While Toru was wiping Ichika's injuries when she heard her team was next for the battle trial.

"Looks like it's your turn, Toru."

"You should also go to infanry and get your injuries treated, Ichika-kun. You're really reckless for not avoiding it on purpose!"

"Hahaha! I just want to feel how strong he became--"


Toru's tone was serious that made Ichika guilty that he made her worry of him.

"Sorry, I won't do it again."

Everyone from the class saw the large scars on his body.

"Yagi, where did you get those scars on your body?" Ida asked.

"Oh, this? I was stabbed by a villain boss with a chainsaw several years ago."


"You can confirm it with All Might. I'm with him during that raid. Endeavor and other Pro Heroes too. That is why, these kinds of training are important. Most missions of Pro Heroes are raiding Villain's hideout. One mistake and you will end just like me with these scars if you survive or ended up dead."

Sweats appeared in Ida's forehead becoming nervous but he determined himself that he will become a hero.

Shouto clenches his fist, learning the difference on their experiences.

Izuku remembered that All Might has injury in his stomach and Ichika told him that it happened on the same day.

Toru and Aoyama left the monitoring room together with their opponents Sato and Koda and the battle trial starts.

Toru was able to sneak inside the building and she reached the location of the payload by fully utilizing of her invisible quirk.

Satou and Koda was guarding the payload together while vigilant of their surroundings.

"I made it!"

Toru secured the payload without being notice by the two and they became depressed from unfairness.

Aoyama was at the entrance, hesitating to enter the building. He was completely useless at the trial.

*Winner, Hero team!* All Might announced.

"Eh? That's it?" Ichika sounds disappointed without seeing an exciting fight.

"At least she won the trial unlike you." Momo responded.

"Nice, Toru!" Himiko cheered.

The next trial battle trial was between Todoroki Shouto and Midoriya Izuku as heroes against Asui Tsuyui and Sero Hanta as villains.

Shouto who has cold expression touched the ground in front of the building.

"Huh? Todoroki-kun?"


He froze the whole building in an instant which surprised Izuku.

Shouto and Izuku entered inside building and saw Sero and Asui shivering in cold while frozen in ice. The two of them secured the payload with Izuku being disappointed when he was unable to do anything to help.

*Winner! Hero team!*

After that, Shouto melted the ice with his right hand.

The next team was between Uraraka and Ida against Ashido Mina and Shoji Mezo.

When the battle starts, Ida took the trial seriously too much and he asked Uraraka to apply her quirk on him. When Uraraka touched him, Ida ran on the surface of the building and he entered to the highest floor. Upon arriving inside, Ida uses the Retro boost and his opponent was unbelievable to catch him up then he quickly secured the payload.

*Winner! Hero Team!*

Uraraka and Ida did a high five.

"Yay! We did it, Ida-kun!"

"Yeah." Ida smiled and nodded at her.

The last team match up was Kirishima and Fumikage as Heroes against Ichika and Kyouka as Villains.

"We're going against them. I guess we don't have much choice."

Kirishima looks excited while Fumikage was silent.

Kyouka was a little bit of nervous then she glanced to her partner.


He saw a person wearing a black armor suit with intimidating appearance.

*Heavy breathing ~*

"Ichika-kun..." Toru was speechless.

"That armor again? You look like more a villain than a hero." Momo didn't like his armor.

"Wait! That armor is forbidden!" All Might pointed at him.

"Eh..." Ichika sounds disappointed but he didn't have any choice if the teacher himself forbids it.

When the battle trial starts, Ichika and Kyouka was guarding the payload on the highest floor while waiting for their opponents to arrive at their location.

"Ichika, why won't you wear something? You're been naked the whole time since our last trial."

"I'm fine. It's easier to move like this." Ichika flexed his muscle in his arm.

"There's a girl here, you know!"

"Huh? Where? I want to meet her!" Ichika looked around the floor.

"Damn you!" Kyouka got mad at him.

Ichika smiled and approached her, making her steps backwards until her back hits the payload. He slammed his right hand on the payload and Kyouka's face turned red when he got closer to her.


"You want me to see you as a girl, right? Well, here I am. You look adorable, Kyouka."

"What?" Kyouka looks surprised when she learned that he actually knows her name.

"You're making fun of me the whole time!"

"Hehehe... Sorry. I just wanted to see how you will react."

"Damn it!"

"You're actually fan of Fujiwara Ichika, right? That means, you're a fan of mine."

"Huh? How did you know that?"

"You don't remember me?"

"I don't know what are you talking about but I only know you as a singer."

"You were even boasting how hardcore fan you were of my songs in front of Family Mart. I think it was the day or week before the live performance. You even told me that your parents are performing too."

Kyouka became pale, pointing at him when she remembered.


"Yeah, that was me and I missed the part where that's my problem."

"I blurted out a lot of things about being a fan but that was you the whole time?" she trembled.

"It is kind of cringey hearing something like that from my fan. I was a little embarrassed at that time but I appreciate you for supporting me."


"You want my autograph?"

"Knowing you right now, I don't want it."

"That's upsetting..."

*Hey, you two! Please focus on the activity! Stop messing around especially you, Ichika!*

They got scolded by All Might.


Few minutes later, While Kyouka is using his earphone jack to locate their opponents,

"Ichika, they're here!"


Ichika stepped forward then took his instance.

When Kirishima and Fumikage arrived at their location,

"I'll distract Yagi while you take on Monjiro."

Kirishima hardened his arms and face, causing his flesh to become jagged and rock-like.

"Yeah, leave Kentaro to me. Dark Shadow!"

Fumikage summoned a sentient shadow monster from his body as he launches it towards Kyouka who's protecting the payload.

"This is your fault, Ichika! They're calling my name wrong!"



Ichika suddenly disappeared then he kicked the dark shadow away, returning it back to Fumikage.

"Hahaha! Since I keep forgetting your last name, I'll just call you with your first name, right? Kyouka?"

"No! We're not that close!"

"Eh? Even though we live in the same dormitory, Santaro."

Her name was mistaken again and she doesn't want to increase it again.

"Fine! Just make sure we win this trial."

"Hehe... Leave it to me, Princess."

"Don't call me Princess! Damn you, you're making fun of me!" Kyouka's face was red in anger.

"Stop getting distracted!"

Kirishima rushed towards Ichika with his arm crossed.

"You're too obvious."

Ichika threw a high-speed left jab.


Kirishima blocked his punch but he was stumbled down and shock.


Kirishima has returned in senses by Fumikage.

"Ugh... That punch just now was a menace! Simple but dangerous! I felt like I bumped on a truck!" he stood up quickly and hardened himself again.

Blood was dripping from nose and Fumikage notice it.

"This guy is not a joke. We have to be careful." he frowned.

(To be continued.)

(A/N: I'll fix my mistakes.)