Chapter 117: Smol Ichika is Back

Chapter 117: Smol Ichika is Back

Author: Geraint

A/N: To support me, pls donate and subscribe,



YouTube channel: Geraint Ch.


After making report about the incident to the Commission, Ichika went back to his class together with Eraserhead and Thirteen.

The two teacher were staring at him.

"Stop staring at me!"

"That's a strange drawback of your ability, Falcon." Eraserhead yawned being sleepy.

"I was able to gain back my ability to transform after a long time of rest. I'm already thankful even it has drawbacks. I can now work as a proper pro hero."

"I see, but you have to graduate my class first."

"This guy..."

"Thanks to you, all the students are safe. There's also no casualties on our side even though we're outnumbered." Thirteen spoke to him with gratitude.

"But... I also want to tell that you overdid it, Falcon."

Ichika-kun looked away, whistling.

When Ichika returned to his classroom, All his classmate's eyes went to him and they became silent.


"Wait! Isn't that you, Ichika-kun?" Izuku was the first one to recognize him.

Ichika looked away and responded.

"Yeah, a lot of things happened."


Everyone in the class was completely shock.

Bakugou froze in his sit, seeing him.


Toru ran and grabbed him in her arms.

"I'm so worried about you, you idiot!"

"Stop being so reckless!" Momo scolded him.

"Sorry, but don't worry, as you can see, I'm fine after that incident and I defeated all the villains."

Izuku looked at him closely then he asked,

"So, Ichika-kun, after you transform to Captain Falcon, the drawback is you turn back into a child, am I right?"

"Did you saw it?"

"Yes, I was fighting the villains with Todoroki-kun and we saw you transform back from the distance. The way you fought is really amazing. As expected from the bounty hunter who rivals All Might."

"I didn't really have this drawback before but now, I'm just glad I was able to get it back. I'm still a bit rusty though unlike in my prime. I felt like I'm getting old already." Ichika was moving his right shoulder.

Everyone was shocked with his words.

"Eh?! That destruction wasn't your full strength!"


When Ichika turned towards Toru and she was trembling.

"What's wrong?"

He felt her embraced getting tighter.

"Toru, can you please put me down now?"


She suddenly screamed and snuggled onto him.

"You're so cute, Ichika-kun!"

Ichika became pale and he looks very uncomfortable. He was being treated like a child by her.

"Stop it!"

"Let me hug him too, Toru." Momo followed.


*Please, don't bully Father.*

Roboco took him away From them but she hugging him for herself.

Ichika sighed on his current condition.


Few days later,

Ichika met up with Ryukyu in the office of her Hero Agency but he was in his child form. Ryukyu looks surprised seeing his younger form again.

"When I heard the news about Captain Falcon becoming active again, you look younger again."

"It's a drawback. I'll be like this for several hours so, let me sleep here for the time being."

"Huh? Why don't you just teleport back to your room and sleep there?"

"That's the problem. I don't feel at ease at all if I let my guard down in this form. The girls at home sneaks into my room and stare at me the whole time. I can't get a rest at all. I feel more safe here."

"I see..."

Ichika jumped on the couch then he lied down. He took a deep breath then he fell asleep quickly.

Seeing his peaceful sleeping face, Ryukyu can't resist to stare at him. She now understand why the girls can't take off their eyes of him.

"Cute... No!"

She shook her head and focused on her work.

Few hours later when she finally finished her paper reports, Ichika was still sleeping.


She stood up from her seat and went towards him. Being curious, she poked his cheek several times then pinched it.

He didn't wake up and he has no reaction.

She decided to lift his head and give him a lap pillow. She can now see his face closely.

While watching over him, she felt a little bit drowsy and her eyes slowly closed until she fell asleep herself.

When she woke up, slowly opening her eyes.

"Huh? Ah. I fell asleep."

She didn't find Ichika on her lap and looked around.


She found a note on the table and read it.

[Thanks for the lap pillow. I felt energize. I'll drop by again next time. -Falcon]

"I see... As expected, my hunch was right. Hehe..."

She's already aware of his fetish and giggled.


After their class, Toru and others returned back to the Might Inn and since Ichika doesn't have joint class with other sections, they went to visit him in his workshop.

When they entered the room, they found him in his adult form while wearing headphones in front of a microphone with La Brava working on a computer for recording.


Toru was surprised together with Momo and Himiko. Nejire's eyes widened seeing him again in that form from a very long time. Kyouka was with them and she were shock when she met with the singer she admires.


Ichika noticed them then he smiled and waved his hand.

Momo turned red while Nejire waved back at him. Himiko looks mesmerized but Toru looks unhappy.

"Ichika, it's ready!"

La Brava spoke then Roboco gave him an okay hand sign.

"My test... Ahem."

Ichika cleared his throat then he started to sing,

(Play: Perfect - Ed Sheeran)

"I found a love... for me!"

"Darling, just dive right in... and follow my lead."

"Well, I found a girl, beautiful and sweet."

This will be the first time the girls see him sing. His voice was so good that they got captivated by him.

"Baby, I'm dancing in the dark! With you between my arms. Barefoot on the grass. Listening to our favourite song. When you said you looked a mess

I whispered underneath my breath. But you heard it.

Darling, you look perfect tonight."

When the song ends,


Ichika sighed then he grinned with peace sign.

While La Brava and Roboco are working on the editing, Ichika went towards the girls and spoke with them.

"Hey, everyone! What do you girls think of the song?"

Kyouka's eyes are sparkling and she looks excited.

"It was so good, Ichika! As expected from the top singer!"


Kyouka woke up when she realized that the famous singer he admires was actually her weird schoolmate.

"Wait! You're really that Fujiwara Ichika, right?"

"Yes, it's me. This form of mine is Fujiwara Ichika."

Kyouka held her head and it was still too shocking to her.

"I can't really believe this! This guy is my idol? Why?! This must a nightmare!"

Momo moved closer to Ichika but she was too shy for her speak.


Ichika just smiled and patted her head.

"Sorry, but unfortunately, I'm Yagi Ichika, the one who got engaged to you."

"It's fine. It's not that I hate it when I learned the truth from you a long time ago."

Ichika glanced at Himiko who was smiling at him the whole time.

"Himiko, you're prohibited to drink my blood when I'm in my child form. It slows my recovery."


Himiko looks disappointed.

"I let you drink as much as you want when I'm in my adult form."


Ichika glanced at Nejire and she was fidgeting.

"Looks like I'll be needing you as my first lady again. The current President is really sick."

"Hehe... Please take care of me again, Mr. President."

And lastly, Ichika turned towards Toru who was sulking.



He grabbed her hand which nullified her invisibility.



Toru became flustered because of his approach.

"Let's aim for the world! On the sport festival two weeks later, we will show the world your boxing skills! I'll promise that I'll make you a champion in the future!"

"What about becoming the Hero?!" Toru retorted.

(To be continued.)

(A/N: I'll fix my mistakes later.)