* Carlos *

I stood stunned, he just ripped him off, took him, and Eןthan agreed, he did not let him recover, breathe for a moment, he just took him . This dad has to pay for what he does, he exaggerated in response, he had to leave him here or take him to a hospital not to the house .. My fists clenched designers, I was furious, I felt the urge to kill someone.


My anger only intensified, and my thoughts wandered until Oran took me out of my thoughts wandering inside me, I looked at him, he looked like a doctor in a hospital, he wore a white robe and glasses for beauty. And I noticed the phone in his hand.

"We found Jaison!"

I looked at him for two seconds and said, "Where is he?"

"FK headquarters "

"Victor does not know when to give up, eh?" I took my bag, turned around and said, "Tell the students they're free, let's go." Oran said nothing. He stood by my side as he took off his white robe and changed into the black suit.

"Call others! Let them meet us there"

When we arrive to the car Oran drove like crazy and, the relationship between Oran and Jaison was a sibling relationship, they always took care of each other no matter what happened.

"You'll still kill us Oran!"

"Not bad, at least in your graveston we will write, here a foolish boss is buried!"

I quickly took out the gun and aimed it at him: "Say it again !!"

Oran did not lower his hands to the wheel and did not move an eyelid but just smiled at me, he kept poking and teasing me, he was always so cheeky without limit , "Come on shoot me, if you can" I lowered the rifle and sighed.

"You're lucky you're on my side"

Oran smiled at me with a devilish smile and a few seconds later we arrived at the warehouse where our boys were waiting for us. I got out of the car and put on my gloves and we went into the warehouse. Oran opened the door and all the guys got up, he snapped his finger and everyone lined up,he was always the operational and practical part, when there was an operation or assassination mission he liked to do, he was always first, and that's what I liked about him, no matter how much he still defied me There was a right hand.

"We will attack in two groups: one will look for Jaison, rescue him, and the other will look for the safe to take the money he owes us, is that clear ??"

My gaze was serious but in my heart I felt peaceful, every plan that Oran carried out was successful, he had a smart head, he was smart. Everyone was enjoying themselves and I said:

"Let's get started!" Oran turned to me and looked at me with an angry face, because I had taken the fun from him. I smiled at him and picked up Ruby and we went to the cars.

At FK 's offices , Oran and his team went looking for Jaison and I went looking for the money, I felt the heat in my body, I had to get nervous about the day anyway, so here we come. I marked with my hand and the operation began, Oran and his men entered from the side entrance and I from the main entrance.

I quickly opened the front door and fired at the security guards, I looked around and his men were everywhere, Victor was exaggerating too much, even though it seemed to me it was a game. And he always liked to warm me up, which is what I hated the most. I started firing in all directions, my people were in front. No one would protect me because they swored, so I was in the lead. One of Victor's men stood in front of me and came to hit me so I threw my gun grabbed his hand i turned it so that his back would land on the floor, he sighed in pain and fainted, I shook my hand and gave another blow to the one standing in front of me, I bent down for two seconds I took the gun and shot again .

" Boss! Go ahead we'll keep going here!" I nodded at them, took a rifle that was on the side, and got into the elevator, luckily it had already been ordered by my men. One of his men ran towards me and fired, the elevator did not have time to close but I was pushed into a corner, I raised my head and one of the men protected me and the elevator closed.

"Boss are you okay?"

Very quickly I held him and leaned him against the wall, his breath was heavy, the bullet went into his chest. I tore a piece off his shirt and put over his wound. I did not say anything I focused on closing the wound. I hated it, I hated the fact that my people protect me, and I told them explicitly, No one' but no one takes a bullet in my place. I smiled at him and said: "Press hard on the spot" I went to press a floor Ten and the elevator went up quickly. and I went back to pressing on the wound, he started vomiting blood and I realized he did not have much time left.

"It's okay boss! It's part of our duty !"

"No it's not! you swore to me not to protect me!"

"Because of William?" My eyes stared at him angrily, how dare he remind him of me, I wanted to shoot him in the face just for that insolence but he did not have much time left. I got to my feet and said, " Last words?"

"Take care of my family"

I nodded to him and took the guns out of the sheath, the elevator opened and I burst in and shot, I shot at everyone who appeared in front of me no matter what it was, Victor gasped if his reaction, he crossed the line, my eyes filled with hatred, I wanted to kill him, I felt I could not wait anymore I caught One of his men in the neck and I pushed him against the wall:

"Where is he ???? Where is Victor?" I screamed at him, I'm tired, I've had a crappy day and I have a dad to take care of. But I killed him before he answered me so I threw him on the floor and continued down the hall until I reached the secretariat where there was no one. I looked away and saw the office door closed. I spat blood, and felt a sharp pain in my thigh. I tossed the suit on the floor, released the tie, my body temperature rose, I felt my body burning, the need to kill only increased, I armed the guns again, the side door opened and three guys pointed guns at me but quickly i eliminated them. I walked very quickly to the door and slammed it shut with my feet and lifted my pistols forward and looked towards the office.

In front of me I saw Victor sitting at the table with a gun in his hands, Oran and Jaison were lying on the floor, both full of blood. They were beaten, Jaison was unconscious and Oran was awake. Oran looked at me and his whole body was scarred and bruised, and whispered to me "sorry"

Fuck, I quickly aimed the gun at Victor and yelled at him: "Release them !!" My body is burning,the adrenaline affected me, my hand was on the trigger from a second to press, my eyes looked at him angrily in anger I wanted to kill him to slaughter him, make him suffer.

"Wow wow , relax! No need to get upset "

I advanced and shot at two guys who were on the sides and then look at Victor and i said: " I'm tired of your games ! You crossed the line, let them go" Victor smiled at me and advanced so that he was in the same line with Oran and Jaison.

"And if I refuse? You're in a comfortable position, you will not be able to defeat"

I did not give him time to react and I hit another soldier and his leg. "Try me!"

"Boss .." Oran tried to say somthing but I did not hear, my body opposes me, I did not want to hear any more I threw the two guns to the floor and said: "Release Them! Enough blood spilled here! "

" Lol , why me? We both like to see murder and blood, what changed you?" I pulled a pistol from my hips and aimed it at his chest.

"You will die"

" Boss !!" A second before I pulled the trigger Oran knocked me to the floor, my senses came back at me, Oran slapped me in the cheek.

"Take control of yourself! This is not the time to lose your temper "

"Do not interfere Oran!" I took a knife out of my thigh and released Oran.

"Take Jaison and back to the mansion I'll take care of here!" I did not give him time to react and I raised my hair and hid the hatred that appeared in my eyes.

"You crossed every border Victor! And you have to pay"

I picked up the gun and came to see but Victor appeared in front of me and came to punch me in the stomach but I blocked him withmt hand .

"Finally ! Your dark side is back!"

"Victor stop !!" Oran shouted, he tried to get both of us to stop but as much as I was snacking on him and he was the need I got, he hit one of the people who died because of me, and that's a law that was broken.

There was a strangled voice followed by a cough, and I stopped .Jaison opened his eyes, blinked for a few seconds and looked at him. At least he's alive. I took a deep breath and looked at Victor and the devilish smile took over.victor smiled and walked over to the table, he spat blood on the table and then took out some paperwork. And threw her to the table.

"There's the location of your money here, and now give me back the territory" I looked at him angrily , how he dares to set conditions for me. I took the document and looked at it, and for some reason he was right the location was accurate.

"But it's fun to see you brainwashed" Victor lowered his defenses, folding his arms.

"Do we have a deal bro?" I stared at him, I did not care that we were formerly friends in college or in arms but he crossed the border, a hand landed all over my shoulder and as I turned Orשn hung on me and smiled.

"Victor watched it, he knew we would be split into two teams, for him it's just a game"

I looked at Orשn and then at Jaןson, כuck, he really crossed the line.

"Totally exaggerating Victor"

"But it's all fun"

I quickly pulled out a knife and threw an inch from the window, "Shut up !"

"So we have an agreement?" He asked again, took out the knife, smiled and laid it on the table.

"But tell me the truth, you have not fought like this for a long time"

I took a deep breath and said, "We have an agreement."

"I knew you would not refuse my brother"

"Do not call me that"

"Boss!!" The two teams that fought a second ago showed up at the door.

"Release them, the game is over"

I bit my tongue in anger, restrained myself so as not to kill him. I helped Oran stand up and said , "Someone bring Jason and the one in the elevator, we're coming home. " Victor smiled and looked at us until we were out of sight.

When we got to the cars I looked to the sides, my soldiers on all sides were injured or when, I clenched my fists until my eyes looked at the guy who died in my place, I punched the car in anger, and cracked the window.

"Boss?" I did not answer Oran, put him in the car and motioned for my men to take them to the mansion and bury the dead, while I took a car and drove very quickly to the boxing club.