Chapter 12:

I felt safe in a hug, for a long time I did not feel it, I felt alive. But I also knew it was for a short time. I lowered my hand from Tailos and walked back a bit and said, "Thanks, but I have to go!" I grabbed my hand.

"Wait !, let me at least please you with wounds" His heart was generous, their family would always be like this but I could not, I felt I did not belong.

"father!!!!" Rosen's scream was heard everywhere, he stood in front of him bent over and panting, his hands on his knees, his body bent, according to how he looked running miles.

"What happened?"

"It's mom .. she has .." His heavy and fast breathing prevented him from completing the sentence but we already understood, his mom was having a seizure again. Without saying a word I lowered Tylos' hands fine and said, "Go, this" didn't need to be said anymore and they both started running, Rosen's mother was sick, she had coughing fits and suffocation that could result in death. His father started running but Rosen stayed behind.

"What are you waiting for? Your mother ..."

"Wait here" He ordered me, "You and I need to talk, and treat your wounds" It will not happen when they are gone, I stared at them disappearing from the horizon, since Rosen's birth she has been suffering from it. I took a deep breath. I looked at the moon, I was a little friend of my class who taught me to read an hour by the moon. And it would seem after midnight, and it's the hour of the rush in this house I turned on the swing and rocked, my father did not care what I do three more unruly rules: no police, go back in time and obey. As long as I kept all these rules my father and I were on good terms.



"shut up!"

"Ya son of a bitch!"

"You did not have to be born at all, the blows were strong, the room was dark by were tied my body was exposed and my father hit me, my father. The smell of alcohol flooded every room, blood did not move anywhere, and I screamed to the depths of my soul, and could not move, against it, Only the cries and screams were heard.


The scream came out of my stomach, the voice was no longer heard, I begged him to stop, it's not my fault I do not want, please no no, that's enough, but my father does not stop as the whipping on the belt increased the pain. Until suddenly my father stopped and was quiet.

"Dad? Dad where are you? Dad ... what's going on here?" The darkness covered me... I do not want .. "Please..someone turn on the light .. please ..." But the silence sir, I contracted my bruised and aching body cracked egg, it was one of the frozen winter days, sounded a key turn, I ran fast Towards the sound. But a kick in the stomach threw me towards the floor.

"Where are you going?" That voice, no no, my dad did it again. I do not want to. Not Boris. I do not want to be left alone if Boris. please I beg you.

Boris' smile was quickly reflected on me and fear took over and I fainted ...

I jumped fast from the dream, my breathing was heavy, my mind worked non-stop, my heart once owned many, my hand landed on my chest to try to calm the attack. I killed my senses coming back to myself slowly. I looked around and was gentle in the park. I know in my head, I probably fell asleep wandering. I got up very slowly on my feet but the first step was not performed and stumbled, by shaking and freezing, I did not feel them from the pain, my father tightened my ankle. My phone vibrated in my pocket, my father only agreed with me in situations to take a cell phone. I looked at the monitor and saw the teacher calling. How did he get my phone at all? Who gave it to him? What he wants...but I also felt relief, because if he helped me in the past and he can help me now as well. Sue, I answered him.

* Carlos *

We were on our way to Eithan's house, intriguing me to know how he was feeling and if my concerns were true about his condition.


"what?" I asked, I told Oran to speed up but he drove slowly again and it started to disgust me.

"You should not but inform him that you are coming first .. because maybe he is asleep .."

"Okay" I took out my phone and dialed. On the wait already. We got to his neighborhood but there was no dish. I hung up and tried again. Until she counted.


"Teacher ..." he sounded weak and hoarse.

"Is everything okay with them?"

" me .. please ... I do not ..." and the voice stopped, "I will answer! Eithan will answer me, where are you what happened, but there was no answer, the phone hung up and I screamed along to increase speed. After a few minutes, Oran park the car and we both did not wait and rang again important bell.

"Wait, Eitan wait!"

The door opened and in front of me stood his father on a solid, I put my friend on his shoulder and dragged him inside the house behind Oran locking the door.

"where is he??" And I pushed him, I raised my head a little and was amazed, the whole house smelled of cigarettes to alcohol, there were guys at the spa and they drank, poker cards were scattered.

"what are you doing here??" Pit screamed at me, he quickly got up and was angry at me: "Who agreed to let you in! Get out!"

"First tell me where Eithan is!"

"Who are you?"

"Oran go look for Eithan"

"He is not here!"His father shouted, I looked at him and approached him.

"We sent him to buy a beer and he should come back!"

He was afraid of me and it was good that he was. I signaled in his light again Eitan was until she came back to me and said: "They are right, he is not here"

I sighed, if he's in the writer then why did he ask for help, what's going on, what's going to happen ...

"let's go"

I did not look at his father I just got up and left the apartment towards the grocery store