WebNovelYear 20XX23.08%


It's the year 20XX and I'm right now running from another group of zombies. Hey at least this time I'm not alone. "Stupid Joe, who told you to provoke them for fuck's sake?!" Ria yelled as we three ran. We were on a simple supply run and Joel thought it would be a funny thing to silly string some zombies. "Hey it was still funny," I guess it was a little funny but it is definitely not worth the chase.

"Guys heads up, I got a plan." I yelled and began explaining my plan. They both listened to me and agreed with my plan. "Let's do this," I ran ahead, right to the nearest street light and used my bat to break the light. The light started falling slowly and I started running along with the two when they caught up to where I was. Right then, the light fell on top of the herd of silly string covered zombies. I stopped running and turned around, catching my breath. "Looks like the plan worked," my knees went weak again and I collapsed on the ground.

"They won't be able to move anytime soon," Joel pointed out the obvious. "Ya and no thanks to you," Ria rolled her eyes and looked around the streets. "Hey don't fight guys, We still need to get bandages and some clothes," I yelled, breaking up their fight before that could even start. They both only now look at me, I must have looked like a mess from their eyes. "Dude are you okay?" Joel asked walking up to me and holding his hand out.

"Never been better," I chuckled awkwardly and took his hand. "Come on guys, there's a shop here. We can get everything we need there," Ria pointed to the trashed out store that was just a few meters away from where we were. "Can I get a will to live there?" Joel joked and I held back a laugh. Ria threw a stone at Joel who ducked in time. He was fortunate but sadly not me. "Ouch, hey!" I yelled rubbing my forehead.

"I'm so sorry, Rino. Val is gonna kill me," she rushed over to me. "Don't worry about it, I'm alright." I reassured but she seemed fidgety. "It doesn't seem to be bleeding, thank god. I think we could get some ice from the store." She let out a breath of relief and so did Joel. I don't know why they're this scared of Val, he's really sweet from what I know.

"Come on, it's not such a good idea to stand in such an open place." Joel and I followed Aria who still seemed stressed. I took a look at my surroundings and only now did I noticed how recked the our area was. Stores had veins wrapped around them and

Ria separates from us to get the ice while Joel helped me sit on a nearby bench. "You and Ria really are like an old marry," Joel's face turned bright and he started mumbling, trying to deny what I said. Right then Ria walked over with a bag of ice and hands purple in color. "Why are your hands purple?" Joel asked with an eyebrow raised. "That's a very good question but you don't get to know why." Ria stuck her tongue out and put the bag of ice down.

"Where did you even get ice?" Joel asked, his veins popping out from Ria's annoyance. "Got them from the back, there's a freezer that's somehow still working." Ria then pulled out a bag of popcorn kernels and a bag of sugar from inside her backpack. "We can make popcorn and lollipops tonight," Ria smiled brightly that I swear almost blinded me, another thing that almost blinded me was how bright and red Joel's cheeks was.

"Cool, I'm going to look for some clothes. Ri take care of him," Joel cleared his throat and walked away from us. From the back, I could see that his ears were still red from blushing. Ria dramatically sat down with a huge sigh, I smiled and rolled my eyes. "So how did your hands really get purple?" I asked and Ria just chuckled.

"I was going to get that idiot," Ria pointed in the direction of which Joel walked to, "some hair dye. He hates when his roots are showing. While I was grabbing the box dye, I kinda accidently knocked a few boxes down and got purple all over my hands." I smiled knowingly, these two are a perfect match for each other. "Yo, I got a whole load of clothes." Joel said walking towards us with a whole basket of clothes. "Dude how did you get a whole basket of clothes?" Ria jumped up excitedly and rummaged through the clothes.

"This store is attached to a clothes store beside us," Joel shrugged and Ria stopped looking through the clothes. "Jo, why's there baby clothes here too?" Ria asked holding up a tiny shirt. "Oh I guess I accidentally grabbed them," Joel muttered and walked away again. I started laughing at their interaction but my laughter stopped at what I heard next..