Ch 32 : Hibachi's method

Read up to ten chapters ahead in my p.a.t.r.e.o.n


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Hibachi reappeared once again near Sakura and the others.

"What the heck, Hibachi? What is that Substitution? How can it be so fast?" Sakura looked at Hibachi in disbelief.

What Hibachi just displayed in the few confrontations against the Kusagakure Genin (Orochimaru) in front of them was completely out of their expectations.

However, Hibachi's face only turned awkward when he heard this question as he didn't intend to answer.


- A few days ago, during the special training with Sanada -


Hibachi was thrown away a few meters as Sanada's kick hit his abdomen.

"Too slow Hibachi, had this been a real battle you would have been dead by now." Said Sanada before he flashed once again to Hibachi's side.

It had been a few days, and during this time all Hibachi did in his special training was learning how to dodge.

Sanada realized that expecting them to learn something useful in one week was almost impossible. So rather than teaching them some flashy jutsus, he would rather increase Hibachi's chance of survival.

Sanada appeared right behind Hibachi, and his fist was ready to hit Hibachi's head.

But at this moment, Hibachi's figure suddenly turned into a log as he reappeared again a few meters away from Sanada.

"Finally... Success..."

Hibachi was in disbelief. It was his first time successfully dodging his Sensei's attack using Substitution Jutsu.

Sanada saw this scene and his mouth turned into a slight arc. But soon, the smile disappeared as he knew that this was only the first step.

"That's good! But this time, I will get a bit more serious!" Said Sanada before he flashed once again, this time with a speed incomparable to before.

"Wait!!!! Wait!!!!!"

Hibachi wailed but to no avail.


At the end of the day, Hibachi's body was full of bruises from Sanada's beating, but all that practice wasn't really useless as Hibachi could now dodge at least 10% of Sanada's attack.


- Back to present time -

"Let's just say that it's because of my special training with Sanada-Sensei...."

Hearing Hibachi said that it was all thanks to Sanada, Sakura didn't ask anymore.

Everything is possible if it was Sanada-Sensei, she thought.

However, unbeknown to her, Ami was currently looking at Hibachi with pity.

"Well, I think it's better if we stop talking and focus on dealing with this weird guy first.." Hibachi shifted his gaze back to Orochimaru.

"Hahahahaha, you really got me there, boy. Now I'm really curious. Who is the one who taught you that kind of battle style?" Said Orochimaru as he licked his lips.

Although he posed that question, Orochimaru didn't have any intentions to play around anymore. It had taken a bit too long since he was being held back by these little Genins and there was no telling when the Konoha reinforcements would come.

Orochimaru's bloodlust soared, giving the Genins a very bad feeling.

Among the Genins, Sasuke was the one that took the brunt of the bloodlust. He was indeed a Genius with maybe SSS potential, but the current Sasuke was still a brat with shallow battle experience.

Compared to him, Hibachi and Ami could be described as pretty good. The training with Sanada was very fruitful for them and they were still able to remain calm in this situation.

"Ami, if I'm not wrong, Sanada-Sensei should have taught you how to make a formation using explosion talismans, right?"


"Don't eh me. I have a plan, but I need your help. Based on my understanding of Sanada-Sensei, he should have at least taught you how to set an explosion formation. I need to know where the nearest formation is."

Ami immediately realized what Hibachi meant with this. She gave a secret code which had been taught by Sanada to tell Hibachi the coordinates of her explosion formation.


"Got it, thank you, Ami!"

When Hibachi flashed once again, he reappeared next to Orochimaru. He might not be as strong as Sakura or Sasuke, but Hibachi believed in this kind of battle. He had a higher chance of surviving than them.

Hibachi and Orochimaru continued to engage each other as Hibachi kept spamming the Substitution Jutsu (Body Replacement technique) until Hibachi eventually led Orochimaru to the location of the explosion formation.

"So, are we gonna stop playing around now? Do you think I wouldn't notice you leading me to this place?"

Orochimaru just stopped and smiled while waiting for Hibachi's reaction. Hibachi meant basically nothing to him.

Hibachi though had no choice but to keep this up. Their survival would depend on this and he could only hope that his plan was successful.

Ignoring Orochimaru's smirk he rushed towards him.

"Fool, do you think I will fall for that again?"

Orochimaru waved his hand nonchalantly as he thought Hibachi would use another Substitution Jutsu to dodge his attack.

But this time, Hibachi completely took him by surprise.

He no longer dodged Orochimaru's attack and was hit by Orochimaru's slap.


Hibachi was thrown several meters away, but there was a smirk on his face as his plan was successful.

"Ami, now!"

Hibachi shouted and Ami immediately responded with a seal to create the explosion.

"Is this your plan? Do you think I'm so weak that I can't escape from this?"

Looking at this, Orochimaru felt disappointed. It seems that a civilian was still a civilian after all.

But just when he was about to make a seal activate his jutsu, Orochimaru suddenly felt his body paralyzed a bit.

'What the heck!'

Orochimaru's face was filled with shock as his gaze moved towards Hibachi who was lying down after being struck by his attack.

"Haha, surprised, aren't you? It seems this little guy's poison is as good as what Sanada-Sensei said." Said Hibachi.

On his shoulder was a small blue-ring octopus that was hailed to have one of the most potent poisons in the world. During the few days of the special training, Sanada had to rack up his brain to find the best offensive method for Hibachi and the result ended up being having this little guy as Hibachi's summoning beast.

Just for this little guy, Sanada needed to go deep down the ocean as that's the only place where they lived. But seeing the prideful look on Hibachi's face right now, it seemed that all Sanada's effort was worth it.

"Now, feel the terror of explosions."
