Ch 33 : Help is coming

Read up to ten chapters ahead in my p.a.t.r.e.o.n


The second -what if- chapter has been released in patron ^_^

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A huge explosion occurred in the Forest of Death as Ami detonated all the explosion tags at the same time.

"Did we succeed?"

Ami, Hibachi, Sakura, and Sasuke's eyes were directed at Orochimaru's location.

Sasuke had a complicated expression on his face. He never thought that Sanada's three disciples would outdo him like this. Hibachi and Ami were not necessarily stronger than him but the way they acted during the battle had made Sasuke conscious of his weakness.

'What am I doing.. Why am I standing still when people behind me are catching up.'

Unconsciously, Sasuke began feeling a bit dissatisfied with Kakashi. Kakashi and Sanada had both begun teaching at the same time but the progress of Sanada's disciples had far exceeded Kakashi's.

The smoke left by the explosion began clearing up. It revealed the limped-down body of Orochimaru.

The result was clearly not what they expected as they never thought that he would still survive after the explosion. They then saw Orochimaru was no longer moving and the four genin breathed a sigh of relief.

But just when they thought that everything was over, Orochimaru's body suddenly moved in a very strange posture.

"Interesting.. that plan. that strategy. Everything was perfect. It might not be useful if your opponent was wary of you, but in the case that your opponent underestimates you like what just happened it's almost flawless strategy!"

All of a sudden Orochimaru's body spit out a new one. But this time it wasn't the face of the Kusagakure Genin, instead, it was the Orochimaru we all know.

"No way in hell.."


The members of team six had their faces crumpled up with horror. This guy was definitely a freak..

Hibachi, despite having taken Sanada's special training, couldn't remain calm any longer. In his storage scroll was an almost unlimited supply of logs for his Substitution Jutsu but now he no longer thought that the logs in the scroll were sufficient.

'Run.. we need to run! Or else we will be killed here!"

That thought filled the mind of the team six trios. They wanted to run away as far as they could but their bodies were petrified by fear.

For Hibachi, Ami, and Sakura this was their first time feeling so close to death.

Orochimaru looked at the four Genin and sighed.

'It seems like this is the limit of a civilian ninja'

Among the Genins, Sasuke's performance right now satisfied him the most. Even though Hibachi's strategy was excellent, it was only a strategy, after all, it wasn't pure strength.

The fact that Sasuke was feeling a lot better than the team six trios when handling his bloodlust had completely cemented his hypothesis that bloodline ninja was a lot better than civilian ninjas.

Orochimaru walked step by step towards Hibachi.

It was such a shame that Hibachi was just a civilian ninja he thought. If not maybe Hibachi could have been a pretty good vessel for him.

He raised his hand ready to kill Hibachi.

"Any last words?"

"You know, you need to calm down. If not, you might die of Ligma.."

"Ligma?" Orochimaru asked.

"Ligma dick!!!"

Hibachi then felt like time had stopped. Orochimaru's hand was getting closer to his neck and he was ready to face his death.

But then..

"Fish-Man Karate, Gosenmaigawara Seiken!"

A voice could be heard behind Hibachi.

The water vapor around Hibachi began to react as a shockwave approached, launching Orochimaru a few meters.

Orochimaru spat some blood but from the looks of it, his injury wasn't anywhere close to serious.

"Sorry that I'm late!"

When Hibachi and the other Genin turned their heads around they saw a familiar figure.

It was a man with coral hair, a handsome face, and a dependable look. It was none other than their beloved Sensei, Sanada.


The team six trios shouted. They were about to face their demise just now, so seeing their Sensei coming to save them they'd be lying if they said that they weren't relieved and touched.

Sanada checked the condition of his disciples and sighed in relief. Other than Hibachi the other two didn't seem to be injured, they could still continue the Chunin exam without any problem.

Sanada took Hibachi in his arm and flashed away, bringing him to his other disciples.

"I'll explain things later. Now go, he is not an enemy that you guys can beat right now."

Sanada put Hibachi down and quickly shifted his gaze back to Orochimaru.

For the current Sanada, Orochimaru was a force to reckon with.

The team six trios and Sasuke didn't refute Sanada's words and just nodded. They saw the serious look on his face and knew that they shouldn't stay any longer.

The four Genin looked at each other and nodded before withdrawing from the location leaving only Sanada and Orochimaru to confront each other.

"Hahaha.. another hindrance eh? But do you think you will be able to leave alive after interfering with my plan?" Said Orochimaru while licking his lips, his eyes full of bloodlust. He was ready to kill Sanada at any moment.

"If it is to kill you then I might not be able to. But if it's holding you back while waiting for reinforcements to arrive? Then I'm more than capable!"

The atmosphere around the two became tense. One wanted to kill and the other wanted to protect. Their confrontation was now unavoidable.

Sanada decided to take the initiative. His body took the basic Fish-Man Karate posture, grasped the water vapor in his surroundings before launching it at Orochimaru as a projectile with the speed almost being equivalent to a bullet.
