Ch 53 : Sanada takes over the battle

Read up to ten chapters ahead in my p.a.t.r.e.o.n



When Sanada arrived, The Third Hokage was already at his death door, but he still had some breath left on him.

"Sanada.... please.. protect the village. Your parents.. they gave their everything for the village..."

Along with those words, The Third Hokage seemed to have fallen into a coma. It couldn't be seen whether he was already dead or had just fainted because of the major blood loss he suffered after being stabbed.

Orochimaru watched the scene with amusement on his face.

It might have escaped the Third Hokage's perception because he was too busy handling all the Edo-Tensei corps, but Orochimaru has clearly felt Sanada's presence during the time they were talking about Sanada's parents.

And that was also the reason why Orochimaru bothered to speak about all that useless nonsense with his former sensei.

Another Konoha Jonin was about to fall into the curse of hatred because of his hands. Orochimaru couldn't help but want to see the face of his own sensei when this happened right in front of him.

"So, how is it, Sanada... Do you want to come and join-"


But just the moment Orochimaru opened his mouth, he suddenly felt a tingling sensation near his neck.

" Say one more word, and I will truly turn you into a female!!" Said Sanada with an indifferent expression.

At this moment, Orochimaru's vertical golden pupil stared at the water blade that was placed directly next to his neck.

His eyes were twitching like crazy.

How could he, Orochimaru, one of the Sannin be unable to react to this little kid's speed!!

'Don't tell me that this little kid has gotten a lot stronger in one month.'

During their first confrontation, Orochimaru somehow had a feeling that Sanada would be someone that at least had a chance to influence the ninja world, but he never thought that he would be progressing this quickly.

In just one month and he had already gotten his much stronger, just how monstrous was this kid?

After that one confrontation, Orochimaru made up his mind to prepare things against Sanada.

But it seems like he still had underestimated Sanada a lot.

Still, Orochimaru, as a legendary Sannin he sure was able to uphold the reputation that came with it.

The moment Sanada tried to use his water blade to pierce Orochimaru's neck, Orochimaru's figure turned into countless small snakes as he avoided Sanada's slash.

He reappeared a few meters away, right behind the four Edo-Tensei puppets.

"That was dangerous... You really have gotten stronger, Sanada-Kun, but how do you think you will fare against my four cute Edo-Tensei puppets?"

Comparable to Kage-level combat power.

Sanada's growth had truly fascinated Orochimaru, and now he really wanted to catch Sanada to cut his body up in his personal laboratory.

A civilian that could grow from elite Jonin level to Kage-level in just one month. Such an existence was very rare in the ninja world.

Just in case, Orochimaru had specially prepared Sanada's dead father, and it should be enough to make Sanada hesitate.

But watching the next thing that happened, Orochimaru's eyes widened.

A few seconds after he reappeared, he found the head of Sanada's dead father missing.


The head was rolling on the floor, and to add on, there were no indications of the body regenerating.

" May you rest in peace in heaven, father. I promise that I would never let any cockroach disturb your rest any further?" Said Sanada as he stood right next to the headless body of his "father" while closing his eyes as if saying his prayer.

Orochimaru might plan everything meticulously, but unfortunately for him, he didn't know that the current soul that occupied Sanada's body was from another world and not the original.

There was a feeling deep inside his heart that asked him to rebel, to kill everyone here, and avenge his parent.

But at the end of the day, Sanada was able to lock that feeling deep inside his heart and prevent them from clouding his judgment any further.

Since he had the original body's memory, Sanada did feel a bit saddened, but it was not at the point where he would go into a frenzy over it.

Orochimaru felt like he was dreaming.

'Just why? No.. How?'

He had planned everything perfectly, so why did Sanada act as if there was nothing there.

This kid feels like he has completely changed himself..

He is growing too fast...

What a monster...

Sanada leisurely strolled on the roof tiles like he was in a courtyard. He waves his hand once more, and the next moment, Fugaku's head rolled on the ground.

Fugaku had tried to counter him with genjutsu, but Sanada's attack was just too fast that made him unable to react.

Now Orochimaru was only left with the two previous Hokages and even though he should still be holding the advantage, Orochimaru felt an unprecedented danger approaching, one that he didn't feel when he was facing the Third Hokage.

Orochimaru watched the calm Sanada as cold sweat began dripping all over his face.

Orochimaru could have never expected that Sanada, who had incorporated some of the properties of the sun breathing style and Giyu's template into his body, would end up being the perfect counter to his Edo-Tensei.

One slash and the Edo-Tensei would be incapacitated.

Sanada, who had incorporated Giyu's template into himself, clearly was very different from his previous self one month ago.

Giyu, in the Demon-Slayer world, had long been accustomed to the feeling of killing and massacres and now all those experiences had been transferred into Sanada.

Not only was he able to act very calm but he could also perfectly contain his killing intent in his body. Sanada's temperament gave the feeling of an extremely sharp blade that could cut you up at any time.

Sanada, right now was feeling extremely confident! Even though it was questionable whether he could kill Orochimaru or not, he believed that he should be able to at least inflict some injuries to this unkillable villain.

" Any last word? I'm a filial one, so just like how you send your beloved teacher, I will send you to accompany your teacher so that he is not alone."