Ch 54 : Sanada's display of power

Read up to ten chapters ahead in my p.a.t.r.e.o.n


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After Sanada appeared, he gave the sign for the nearby ANBU to take the body of the third Hokage away.

The Third Hokage surviving or not, now depended on his own luck and Sanada wanted nothing to do with it.

Even if the Third Hokage had done many shady things behind everyone's back, his prestige was still unmatched in the village. Due to that Sanada would end up in an unfavorable situation if he tried to sabotage the Third Hokage.

Sanada indeed was angry and something inside him told him to get revenge, but he knew that it was not the right time. Getting his revenge right now would only make the higher-ups think that he was in cahoot with Orochimaru, and Sanada wanted to avoid that.

He would later get his revenge, but it was not in the form of killing. Instead, he wanted to expose all the bad things that the Third Hokage, Danzo, and the two council members did together. As they said, social killing was the nastiest killing.

Orochimaru also didn't put the Third Hokage in his eyes anymore.

In his eyes, the boy in front of him was a threat far greater than his old former sensei.

With only two Edo-Tensei puppets left out of the original four, Orochimaru raised his fingers and suddenly the operation started.

Immediately following that, the First Hokage and Second Hokage moved.

Hand signs were made in a blink of an eye, and...

"Water Release: Water Shark Bomb Jutsu!"

The second Hokage Senju Tobirama with the dark blue battle armor finished his hand signs and a tsunami-like water wave spouted from his mouth.

Even though he was an Edo-Tensei'd version of himself and his power being incomparable from his prime, the power of this jutsu would have been enough to trouble the previous Sanada.

"That water jutsu is not bad, but too bad you picked the wrong opponent to use it on," Sanada exclaimed.


When Sanada got the Fish-Man Karate skill, he also got its complementary skill, the Fish-Man Jujutsu.

The requirements of Fish-Man Jujutsu were a lot more strict compared to the Fish-Man Karate because it needed to be done on the water. Against the Second Hokages water style though, this was the perfect counter for it.

Sanada was very calm. He easily grabbed the water jutsu and threw it back in the direction of Orochimaru and the two Kages like it was clothes.

"Fish-Man Jujutsu: Kairyu Ipponzeoi!!"

The extremely powerful water jutsu was returned to its owner.

The huge Water Shark Bomb blasted the area surrounding Orochimaru and the others as it then dissolved into a large amount of water that splashed and sprinkled over the ground, flowing down the eaves.

At the same time, the two Edo-Tensei people and Ocorhimaru avoided the huge water jutsu with little effort.

The First Hokage Senju Hashirama finished making his hand signs, and displayed a powerful Wood Style Technique.

"Wood Release: Deep Forest Bloom"


Large trees with a diameter of more than two meters appeared from the hard ground and rose, trying to capture Sanada.




Faced with a huge amount of trees trying to capture him, Sanada calmly took a deep breath.

"Breath of water, Third Form: Flowing Dance!"

Sanada's figure disappeared as water currents appeared and flowed in a dancing pattern, slicing everything in its path.

The Mokuton trees that were even harder than steel were easily cut as Sanada approached the two Hokages.

Watching the scene, Orochimaru's eyes narrowed slightly.

The First and Second Hokage's powers were limited by the Edo-Tensei and they could not exert their full strength like in their prime.

Every attack by Sanada so far had made him tremble a bit.

'This kid has too many tricks, even though he is a bit lacking in destructive power his swiftness and skills are enough to make up for it.'

Even the Third Hokage with the Golden Staff could only stay on the defensive end against the Two Hokages.

But this kid was different!

If Orochimaru had to say something about him then he would say that Sanada was like his mortal enemy.

"It seems that I must participate into the battle as well."


The next second, Orochimaru opened his mouth and a prolonged Kusanagi sword rushed in Sanada's direction.

Sanada felt his senses warning him of the danger that the Kusanagi sword radiated.


A huge metal sound rang.

With the water blade in his hand, Sanada easily deflected Orochimaru's attack.

The sharpness of the water blade was no joke, it could even handle the infamous Kusanagi swords the Naruto world had.


Sanada, Orochimaru, and the two Edo-Tensei'd Hokage kept engaging with each other on the roof.

"Water Release: Water Shark Bomb Jutsu!"

"Wood Release: Binding Nest!!!"

As the two attacks were directed toward Sanada, he easily cut them down with his water blade.

The four people had been battling for a while at this point and from Sanada's calculations, this should be enough.

What Sanada had been doing until now was trying to make Orochimaru get used to his current speed and thus try to catch him by surprise in a single big surprise attack.

"Multiple Striking Shadow Snakes!!"

Orochimaru launched another attack when Sanada suddenly disappeared with a speed that couldn't be traced with human eyes.

"Thunder Breathing First Form: Thunderclap and Flash (Ichi no kata: Hekireki Issen)."

The sound of thunder rippled as Sanada used thunder breathing to greatly enhance his speed to a whole another level.

During the one month, while Sasuke was training hard to master the Sun Breathing Style, Sanada hadn't stood idle doing thing so he instead decided to master the first form of thunder breathing.

At first, he was afraid that the water breathing and thunder breathing would conflict with each other, but it seemed like he at least didn't cross any significant boundaries. Practicing and using the two at the same time was still manageable.


The next thing Orochimaru knew, Sanada had passed by and his two hands had been cut down.

He wanted to react but Sanada's kick was faster.


Orochimaru was kicked high into the air.

It was now or never.

Sanada knew that this attack would most likely not kill Orochimaru, but he still wanted to take the chance.

Even though Orochimaru would turn good later, that was all after the mess he created in the fourth ninja war.

If he could kill Orochimaru right now and hunt Kabuto down then the possibilities of Kabuto using the Edo-Tensei in the fourth ninja war could be reduced.

Behind the water blade in his hand, Sanada was in deep concentration.

Thunder breathing, Water breathing, Fish-Man Karate, Chakra.

Speed, Flexibility, and strength were all combined into this one move.

This was the result of Sanada's one month of hard work with multiple clones that almost made his brain break down.

"Sky's breathing style: Sky Splitting Wave!"