Ch 55 : The aftermath of Chunin Exam -edited-

Read up to ten chapters ahead in my p.a.t.r.e.o.n


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Sanada slashed upward.

This move was the pinnacle of all Sanada's current capabilities together.

In fact, in its essence this move was just a simple slash but because Sanada was combining it with all the skills he had it had become very complex.


The slash was released.

A crescent moon-shaped water slash with some crackling thunder split even the sky into two and everything in its path ended up being easily sliced down.

Orochimaru wanted to hide, but he knew it was too late.

It was at this extreme situation that Orochimaru knew he had woken up a slumbering monster.

The slash enveloped the entire area and the next thing Sanada knew, Orochimaru's figure was gone.

The two Hokage who were controlled by Orochimaru became silent and stopped moving which signified that the controlling them was gone.

In a situation like this, you could easily have assumed that Orochimaru was dead. However, Sanada himself knew how hard it was to kill this cockroach of a villain, and knowing him there was no way Orochimaru would be killed that easily.

The attack just now might have been able to seriously injure Orochimaru, but Sanada was pretty sure that Orochimaru would be back sooner or later.

Besides that, the long Chunin Exam Arc was finally over and now the only thing they needed to do was handle the recuperation.


- In a cave far away -

In the cave filled with various summoning runes, Yakushi Kabuto knelt on one knee like he waiting for someone to arrive.

Not long after Orochimaru's figure appeared in front of him.

The moment Orochimaru's life was in danger, he immediately used the reverse summoning jutsu to escape his predicament.

Either way, there was no use in staying in Konoha any longer. He was a bit interested in Sanada but in the end, Sanada was not an Uchiha or anything so Orochimaru was still more interested in Sasuke.

"Reporting to Orochimaru-Sama, we have failed to get in contact with Uchiha Sasuke. At the moment when our shinobi were able to corner Uchiha Sasuke, Kakashi Hatake and Might Guy came to interfere."

Yakushi Kabuto reported while still kneeling.

"Well, well... what a shame. But we still have time in our hands, so let's not rush things, and take it slowly..."


- Konoha, one day later -

Back in Konoha, everything was quickly solved after Sanada defeated Orochimaru.

Sanada came to help the other Konoha shinobi repel the invaders and with Sanada's seemingly endless stamina using water breathing, the battles after that a piece of cake for Sanada.

One day had passed and the only thing left really was to handle the aftereffects the incident brought.

The fact that the Kazekage had been killed by Orochimaru was acknowledged by the Sunagakure and now they were trying to finish things diplomatically with Konoha.

Things might still get pretty rough for the higher-ups, but that was of no concern to Sanada.

Sanada was enjoying his lunch with his three disciples with Karin happily when this all happened.

But suddenly, a few masked ninjas came to intrude on Sanada's happy time.

"Kaedehara Sanada, you have been called to the Hokage's office."

Yup, just like the first time he came to this world, he had once again been called to the Hokage's office. This time though Sanada had a bad feeling about it.

The masks of the ninjas in front of him were pretty different from the previous ANBU and if Sanada was not wrong they should be from the Root.

If Sanada was not wrong, this should be related to the Third Hokage and Orochimaru, and Danzo the cyclops should have some black hand for Sanada. But as long as he was prepared and didn't chicken out, everything should be fine, he thought.

Either way, the cat was already out of the bag, and now Sanada only had two choices. To confront them or be silent and accept the role assigned to him.

Among the two, Sanada's choices were pretty obvious. With his current status as Kage-level, the council and Danzo should not do anything too excessive to him.

It didn't take long for them to arrive at the Hokage office. Inside the office, the Hokage advisor Utatane Koharu, Mitokado Homura, and an old man with bandages all over his body: Danzo Shimura, were waiting for him.

Next to them was an old man with white hair who was none other than one of the legendary Sannin: Jiraiya, and a middle-aged man with lots of scars on his face: Shikaku Nara.

Just by watching these people sitting together in the same room, Sanada already knew that this was going to be a complicated matter.

Sanada was just about to say his greetings but he didn't get the chance as Utatane Koharu beat him to it.

"Boy, you are the one who repelled Orochimaru, right? We must say you did a good job for doing that. But...."

Sanada felt the atmosphere getting tenser when advisor Koharu said those words.

The bad feeling from before was getting stronger as he waited for Koharu to continue.

"We have read your track record. Half a year ago, you were just barely a Jonin and now you tell me that you have been able to grow this much in this short time period? Maybe I would believe it more if you said you are in cahoots with Orochimaru!"

" .... "

*Sigh* So it's really about this, huh?

Sanada fell into silence for a while as his heart felt very tired. The village was now in a big turmoil, so why did this bastard even bother to start fighting.

The thing that he had least wanted to happen was happening right now. Fortunately, the current Sanada had enough strength to protect himself.

Under the questioning gazes of the three, Sanada just stayed silent. His eyes had that sharp glow on them that didn't lose under the pressure of the three of hags.

Seeing Sanada didn't answer their question, Koharu felt a bit irritated.

She was about to say something, but all of a sudden, Sanada's aura was pressed on her which made her unable to say anything.

" I don't think I need to answer those kinds of questions. I, as a Jonin under Hokage, was only entitled to answer the Hokage's question and not some random old hags here!"


Sanada's words made the situation even tenser. Even Jiraiya could see that he should interfere about this matter, or else things might really get out of control.

Sanada at this time no longer wanted to be a pussy. He had enough of letting the water go, and now was the time to tell the three old hags that there was someone in the village that they should not touch no matter what.

Sanada shifted his gaze towards Koharu, Homura, and Danzo, all watching him with suspicious eyes as he opened his mouth once again:

" But.. if you want an answer from me. I am a Konoha Shinobi, and until death, I will be Konoha Shinobi. I think that was enough of an explanation...

Everyone thought that Sanada had finished his words, but the next sentence Sanada said made even Danzo fuming like mad.

"And if you want me to answer to your heart content, I think you should be the Hokage first... But no offense though, I don't think you will be able to reach that position with your personality and strength."