Ch 57 : The arrival of a brocon

Read up to ten chapters ahead in my p.a.t.r.e.o.n


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Back to Konoha, Sanada had just returned from the Hokage office.

He was still walking leisurely along the Konoha bustling streets as he tried to configure what was the best solution for his problem.

Just now, he only realized that Konoha was the worst place to transmigrate into. The land was good and prosperous, but all the higher-ups behind it were very corrupt.

He was just seeing things from the anime perspective until now, so he had never thought that it would be this bad. In Sanada's original world, there was a saying that no matter how prosperous the land was, it would eventually succumb if the government was corrupt.

It could be said the invasion of Orochimaru was a blessing in disguise. Without it, the Third Hokage would still rule over Konoha, and who knew what would happen to Konoha years later under his rule.

If Sanada could, he wanted to be like the other transmigrator. Flipping the heaven with one hand and obliterating all the corrupt higher-ups in one blow, and taking control of the world.

However, Sanada knew that his current ability was still far from that.

The meeting with Root and Danzo had changed Sanada's plans. It seemed that he could no longer kill Kabuto soon.

With things like this, he was unsure whether Jiraiya would let Sanada go with him to find Tsunade.

Before, Sanada wanted to go with Jiraiya to find Tsunade. If his conjecture was true, even though Orochimaru's hand wasn't sealed by the shinigami, the injury Sanada had inflicted him before should not be that easy to treat.

And therefore, Orochimaru and Kabuto would definitely appear next to Tsunade, asking her to treat him.

Killing Orochimaru might be a bit difficult, but there should be no problem in killing Kabuto.

Some might say that Obito and Madara was the best villain in the Naruto world, but for Sanada, Kabuto and Orochimaru were the two that was the hardest to handle. If not for Itachi's cleverness, Kabuto's Edo-Tensei corps would definitely wipe out the Shinobi coalition.

Sanada was still deep inside his own world when he suddenly heard a loud noise.


The sound of something being thrown away into the water reverberates throughout the village, which immediately gives Sanada an idea of what's happening.

' That should be Itachi and Kisame... The third Hokage was not dead, but he did come into a comma. And that's the reason why Itachi comes here to warn Danzo!'

Sanada had just finished his conjectures when he suddenly gained an idea.

' Wait... if I could play my cards right, then maybe... Hehe, Kabuto, it seems the time of your demise has come.'

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A few minutes ago, Kurenai and Asuma were confronting Hoshigake Kisame and Uchiha Itachi, who came to infiltrate Konoha.

It's a pity.

The gap between their strength is too obvious, and the two Konoha Jonin were in a state of being completely suppressed.

Kurenai became a complete joke in this battle.

She was trying to use genjutsu on the super famous Mangekyo Sharingan and was completely obliterated by Itachi.

The two Konoha Jonin was being played by their opponent, but at this time, a voice suddenly came from behind.

" Yo! Having fun without me, aren't ya?"

The sudden emergence of Sanada clearly shocked the four ninjas, and even Itachi was a bit late to react.

Sanada took Kurenai into his arm as he brought Kurenai away from the battlefield. While for Asuma, let's just hope that he can survive this one.

Sanada's goal at this time was to have a talk with Itachi, and for that, Asuma's sacrifice was a bit necessary.

Itachi, who was a bit surprised with Sanada's sudden arrival, quickly regained his composure. But it didn't mean that he would let Sanada go just like that.

A few hand signs that were even faster than Kakashi was created by Itachi, and in a blink of an eye, he had finished his jutsu.

" Fire Style: Great Fireball Jutsu!"

A huge fireball was thrown in Sanada's direction. However, there was one thing that Itachi didn't expect.

Their current battleground was on top of a lake, and in a place where they were surrounded by water, Sanada's lethality grew to a whole new level.

Sanada didn't even need to make hand signs. Just a movement of his feet and a huge water barrier were created to block Itachi's huge fireball.


The water barrier had negated the fireball.

At this moment, a huge amount of water vapor surrounded the two, blocking them from the outside world.

" Is that it? I expected more from a hero who tried to save the village by-"

Sanada hadn't even finished his words when Itachi blinked right in front of him.

The calm Itachi now was not that calm anymore. He still kept that calm and indifferent face on the outside, but Sanada could see that his heartbeat was a bit faster than normal. The fact that Itachi was undercover should be a secret, so when Sanada said it with a nonchalant tone, Itachi was overreacting a bit.


Itachi tried to use his kunai to strike Sanada, but Sanada avoid it with ease.

After integrating Giyu template into himself, Sanada's reflex was far from a normal shinobi.

The first attack had missed, but Itachi didn't give up that easily.

" Amaterasu!!!"

A black flame tried to envelop Sanada, but then Sanada's figure suddenly disappeared and turned into a log.

' This guy is not easy...' Itachi's expression was full of disbelief. Amaterasu should be an instantaneous jutsu.

So for the other party to use substitution before the Amaterasu could hit him, just how fast was his reflex?

" Not so strong, aren't you? It seems you are nothing without that self-proclaimed Madara." A voice fell in Itachi's ear from behind as his pupil shrank. Itachi tried to react, but only a fist came into his vision.


Sanada's punch was able to hit Itachi's abdomen, creating a large sound as Itachi was knocked away into the water.

Maybe because Itachi was a bit shaken, he was a bit late to react.

Kisame and Asuma who were battling on the side stopped after hearing the loud voice.

" Itachi.." Kisame's eyes widened in shock as he never expected Itachi would be defeated in a frontal confrontation against a no-name Jonin like Sanada.

Cough.. Cough..

A sound came from Itachi's direction as it now revealed a fully drenched Itachi after getting knocked into the water.

But this time, Itachi has regained back his composure.

That last blow from Sanada made Itachi know that he must not underestimate the young Jonin in front of him.

" You are not bad.. But I must also get serious now."