Ch 58 : A deal that change the future

Read up to fifteen chapters ahead in my p.a.t.r.e.o.n


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When Itachi opened his eyes again, Sanada no longer saw the previous panic in his eyes.

Instead, Itachi was very calm and still.. just like water. The most dangerous state a shinobi was not when they were angry. On the contrary, a shinobi who was able to stay calm and reel in their emotions while observing their opponent was the one that was the most troublesome to handle.

With Itachi being serious, Sanada knew he should stop his act.

For the current him, he might be able to fight to hold Itachi for a bit. But the Itachi shown in the anime had never really shown his true power. Almost all his battles were one-sided or he didn't take them seriously and Sanada really didn't want to take a bet.

If he could choose, Sanada would rather fight Obito than Itachi.

Sanada put down his guard and waited for Itachi to suck him into the Tsukuyomi space. And as he thought, the moment Sanada let his guard down, he blinked only to notice that he had suddenly woken up to a whole different place.

- Itachi's Tsukuyomi world -

When Sanada opened his eyes, he had been impaled on a crux in a very strange world.

Normally people who were transported here would start to panic but Sanada had remained calm. The events occurring so far were inside his expectations. Now all he needed to do was wait for Itachi to show up.

A few seconds later, multiple Itachis' began to show up right in front of him.

" You-"

But before Itachi could say anything, Sanada beat him up to it.

"Well, let's skip the formalities. I know your eyes can't handle this for very long, so I will make this quick. I know your situation pretty well, and at this point, you can only trust me. In three years I will bring Sasuke as you have planned, but before that, I need to make a deal with you."


If it was replaced by any other person, they would certainly be flustered when all their plans were revealed by somebody else.

But Itachi was Itachi, even after Sanada said all those words, his expression didn't have any slight change and he was still able to look calm on the outside.

But that didn't mean that Itachi didn't have any weird thoughts about Sanada.

The first thought that came to Itachi's mind was to kill this guy and keep everything a secret.

Itachi was about to take out a sword like the one he used in the anime to impale Kakashi but Sanada suddenly disappeared from the crux.

He then reappeared in front of Itachi, this time no longer tied up.

"It's useless. You can't kill me.. all you can and should do now is to just listen to my offer and accept my deal." Said Sanada with a relaxed face.

Hearing those words, Itachi understood that the opponent had been planning all of this all along.

Sanada wasn't brought here because he was caught off-guard, instead it was because he wanted to.

All his life, this was the second time Itachi had felt he had been tricked. A bit of frown that rarely appeared came out on Itachi's face, but he eventually decided to listen to Sanada's offer.

Sanada saw this and a smile blossomed on his face. If everything was going according to plan then maybe they could avoid the fourth great ninja war or at least reduce its cause and effect.

"Don't worry, I won't ask you anything that goes against your principles. All I ask of you is to find Orochimaru. Your organization should have a hatred with Orochimaru, so it shouldn't be that strange for you to come after him, right? If I'm not wrong, they should be around XXXX street in one month. Of course, you can behave as if nothing happened between us, as this is just a 'request'."

Sanada patted Itachi's shoulder, and after saying what he had intended, the Tsukuyomi suddenly shattered, returning Itachi and Sanada back to their original bodies.


Soon, events happened like in the original plot, Kakashi and Guy arrived, and the two Akatsuki members decided to back down.

Everything seemed normal like nothing had changed from the original plotline, but without anyone knowing it, changes had begun to take place in the Narutoverse.

The original plot, which had started to slowly deviate because of Sanada would soon accelerate as big changes would occur with one of the main antagonists of the fourth ninja war probably being killed after this.

And the main perpetrator among them all, Kaedehara Sanada was currently leisurely enjoying himself in a hearty dinner back in his apartment.

After one month of arduous training with his Genin team, Sanada wanted to take a bit of rest.

Training was important, but he still needed to balance it with his daily life.

Just as Sanada was about to close his eyes and enjoy a good night's sleep a voice suddenly came from behind the door, disturbing Sanada's rest.

"Sanada-Sensei, is it true that you repelled Itachi?"

'This fucker... can he not give me some alone-time? Doesn't he know that my mental health is important too?'

Despite having thoughts like that on his mind, there was no way he would be saying them out loud.

Sanada also didn't really want to answer Sasuke, after all the reason Sanada was able to trick Itachi earlier today was because of the reward the system had given him from teaching this guy.

[Anti-Genjutsu Lenses.]

[With this lense, all Genjutsu will be nullified, and other than Genjusu on the Six Paths level, the user is also of taking control of any Genjutsu.]

[Remaining uses: x2]

The man standing at the door with an admiring look was none other than Sasuke.

Yeah.. After teaching Sasuke the sun breathing style, Sanada had gotten the anti-genjutsu lense as a completion reward. This has made him the nemesis of every Uchiha and Danzo.

He still had two other uses left, and Sanada wanted to save them for Danzo's Kotoamatsukami and the Eternal Tsukuyomi.

Back to the current situation, just a few minutes ago, Sasuke had received a piece of news from Kakashi that Sanada was able to repel Itachi. All this made him admire Sanada even more.

Maybe because Itachi was a bit conscious about Sanada's actions, the events in the anime where Sasuke was trashed by Itachi no longer happened, and it made Sasuke's mental state a bit more stable compared to his original plot counterpart.

Sanada saw Sasuke who looked like a little puppy, and couldn't help but sigh.

'Why do I feel like Sasuke has become the second Sakura....'