Ch 60 : Sakura's dilemma

While Sanada was busy dealing with Karin's dilemma, Sakura was practicing alone in team-six training ground.

Sanada indeed had called off today's training, but Sakura somehow always had that impulse to train in her mind.

During that battle with Gaara, even though she and Sasuke were able to defeat Gaara in the end, she still saw the huge gap between her, Sasuke, and Gaara.

Let's not say the monster Gaara, even the last strike that Sasuke displayed to broke down Gaara's defense, Sakura was still far from reaching it.

Sakura, this time was different from the one in the original plot. With Sanada's guidance, she found a new motivation to get stronger and always wanted to improve.

Sakura was still standing in front of a tree, practicing her fish-man Karate move, when suddenly a voice appeared from the side.

" Hmm... Sanada-Sensei isn't here, huh?"

It was none other than Sasuke. After hearing the story from Sanada, which Sanada was able to repel Itachi, Sasuke was getting more confident in Sanada and always begged for him to train him.

Sasuke's effort was still futile until now as Sanada consistently said that he should train with Kakashi, and Kakashi was no worse than him. However, Sasuke believed that if he continued to beg, Sanada would eventually succumb.

Today was just like that, Sasuke slipped from Kakashi's training to the team six training ground, only to find that the team six training ground only have Sakura on it.

Sasuke was a bit disappointed and was ready to leave, but then Sakura came right next to him.

" Sasuke.. I have a request! Can we do a spar?"

. . . . . .

- Twenty minutes later -

Sasuke was standing with his sword sheathed back. The spar with Sakura was pretty harsh, but in the end, he still came on top.

" That's a good one, Sakura. You have progressed!" Said Sasuke as he proceeded to leave the team six training ground.

If the original Sakura was to hear this, she would definitely jump out happily, but this Sakura was different.

After hearing these words from Sasuke, all she could feel in her heart was frustration.


Before Sasuke trained with Sanada-Sensei, the two could be said as evenly matched. But during the previous battle, she could not even graze Sasuke a bit.

That sun breathing technique was just too strong, and Sasuke seemed to be able to cope with every move she used against him.

Without her noticing, the two's battle was actually witnessed by Sanada's clone.

Sanada actually sent a clone of himself to follow each of his disciples to monitor them.

This one-day break was a test from Sanada. If his disciple was to slack off on home, Sanada knew that he still needed to train their mentality, but until now, all his disciples' performance was very satisfactory.

Hibachi and Ami were using this time to practice their cooking, Sakura to train, and Karin to discover herself.

It could be said that a teacher's greatest moment was when he could see his disciples grow, and it was the same case with Sanada.

However, for the current Sakura, Sanada decided not to intrude yet.

Sakura was on the most crucial moment of her life, and Sanada wanted to see Sakura make progress on her own.

If she wanted, Sakura could come and ask for help from Sanada, but it should also come from her own volition, and not Sanada, who came to give her every answer to her question.

The clone disappeared, and the memory was transferred to the real Sanada, leaving the frustrated Sakura alone in team six training ground.

. . . . . .

- Later that night -

The moon had long appeared, and the sky had gotten dark.

Sanada was prepared to go to sleep, but at this moment, a knock came from his door.

" Come in!"

A figure revealed herself from the darkness of the night.

One of Sanada's precious disciples, Haruno Sakura, came for a night visit.

But of course, it was not that kind of "night-visit".

Sanada saw there was a trace of worry in Sakura's eyes, so he proceeded to let Sakura take a seat.

" Coffee or Tea? Or do you want some milk?"

" Ah... Water is fine, sensei..."

Sanada took some water from his fridge and pout it into Sakura's glass. He took a bottle of milf for himself before sitting right in front of Sakura.

" So, what can I help you? Sakura?"

Under the charm of moonlight, Sanada's charm was amplified by multiple times. That smile was so deadly that Sakura's heart began to skip a beat. The atmosphere turned a bit strange, but Sakura quickly controlled herself.

" Sensei, this..."

Sakura then explained her worries to Sanada about how she wanted to become stronger, etc.

She thought that when she said this to Sanada, Sanada would definitely give her a special training method like usual.

But this time, Sanada's answer was completely out of her expectation.

Sanada just smiled when he heard about Sakura's worries, and only after Sakura calmed down a bit did he proceed to open his mouth.

" Getting stronger and everything is good, but let me ask you. For what reason do you seek strength?"

Sanada's smile this time had a mysterious vibe around it that made Sakura couldn't say anything.

In Sanada's opinion, Sakura seeking to be stronger was good, but if it wasn't followed by a strong conviction, she would soon reach a burnout stage and hit a wall.

The current Sakura no longer has Sasuke or Naruto as her motivation to be stronger like in the original plot, and for that, Sanada needed Sakura to find her own convictions before she moved even further.