Ch 61 : A new mission

A few days have passed since where Sakura came to Sanada for advice.

And since then, team six has continued doing their mission. After the Konoha crush Plan, the number of available Konoha Shinobi that could do missions has diminished a lot, and because of that, Sanada and the others were getting busier.

Even Kakashi and team seven were doing missions every day.

Well, there was some special exception like Naruto, who currently was on a traveling mission with Jiraiya to find Tsunade, but for the rest, most of the Konoha Shinobi were busier than ever.

Sanada, Sakura, Hibachi, and Ami had just finished their mission and were ready to give their report.

Hibachi and Ami actually wanted to slowly relinquish their life as Shinobi, but because of the lack of manpower in Konoha, Sanada told them to please bear with it for a bit.

Sanada then returned to his own residence.

According to his estimation, Sakura would need another week to discover what she really wanted to do, and Naruto and Jiraiya would need another three weeks to fully convince Tsunade and return with her.

The world might be calm now, but Sanada knew that soon the world would be in turmoil because of Akatsuki.

And for that, Sanada needed to prepare himself and his disciples.

Sanada began to organize his thought.

For Sakura, Sanada had already prepared what to teach.

Sakura's focus after this would still be medical jutsu, and if he can, Sanada wanted to ask Tsunade about her chakra-enhanced strength.

The Chakra enhanced strength might be precious, but Sanada was prepared to trade it with his own breathing style basic.

Just based on its initial value alone, the basic breathing style might not be able to match chakra enhanced strength. But one must know that the basic breathing style could be taught to almost anyone. It could enhance Konoha's strength to another level. Tsunade as a Hokage must have her own consideration, and if Sanada wasn't wrong, Tsunade would eventually accept his offer.

Just imagine Sakura's Fishman karate + Chakra enhanced strength + the Total concentration breathing. If Sakura could master all of that, then it might be possible for her to reach whitebeard's strength.

The one that was a bit problematic was Karin.

Karin has the water chakra nature, and Sanada could teach her the Fishman Karate. However, it would be a waste if Karin was not able to learn Uzumaki's specific jutsu.

Karin's talent regarding that aspect was just way too good, and Sanada wanted Karin to focus on them.

Karin's status when Sanada appraised her before was as follows:

[ Name: Uzumaki Karin]

[ Age: twelve years old]

[ Quality: SS grade]

[ Power potential: 8]

[ Agile potential: 8]

[ Ninjutsu Potential: 10+]

[ Appearance potential: 9]

Just seeing these stats was enough for Sanada to want to make Karin his disciple. However, maybe because of her unclear status, Sanada was not able to get her as his disciple until now.

{ A.N.: The system didn't acknowledge Karin as Sanada's disciple }

Sanada could try to appeal to the higher-ups regarding Karin, but in the end, he decided against so.

Soon Tsunade would return to Konoha, and there's no use to make things harder for now. Sanada believed that Tsunade would make the right decision and take Karin as a Konoha Shinobi.

At the end of the day, Sanada could only sigh as all he could do now was just wait for Tsunade to return.

. . . . .

Fast forward, a few days passed, and now Sanada and the member of team six were currently doing their mission.

The mission today was just a simple mission. They needed to eradicate a group of bandits that had been lurking in the fringe of the land of fire.

However, when the four were currently doing their mission, they discovered that the man behind the bandits was a Jonin from Kumogakure.

It seemed that because of the recent Konoha turmoil, Kumogakure had sent a few spies to inquire about the recent condition of Konoha, as they were considering whether to go to war or not.

Based on the anime, Sanada could somehow guess that the conclusion of Kumogakure was not to go to war, and this was just some filler Jonin.

Still, this didn't mean that Sanada couldn't use the Jonin to teach Sakura and the other about the life of being a ninja.

Even though they had been a ninja for some time, Sakura and the others had never really been into a life-and-death battle.

The battle with Orochimaru could be said as a battle for survival, and as for Gaara, it was a somewhat special case.

Sanada's intention was for the three genins to be face to face with the Jonin, and along the way, let Sakura discover her ninja path.

Well, of course, Sanada would still send a clone with them. Even though he wanted his disciple to grow, he was not that heartless to let his disciples die just like that.

After making sure that everything was under control, Sanada created a meeting with the member of team six.

The four members of team six sat surrounding a small bonfire, and Sanada began to talk.

" Guys, it is an emergency. If the other party is just a normal bandit or runaway ninja, then we could kill them without any trouble. But this time, our opponent is the Kumogakure village, and if I'm not wrong, this matter should be related to Sunagakure's invasion of Konoha before."

The team six members turned silent when they heard this word. They knew that things regarding this matter wouldn't be so simple.

" Because of that, I have a plan. You guys stay here and watch the movement of the enemy for a bit. I'll return to Konoha as soon as I could and inform the higher-ups regarding this information!"