Ch 62 : Being chased

After Sanada explained his plan to the member of team six, he proceeded to leave their surrounding.

But of course, even if Sanada wanted to return, it's not like any of the members of team six could detect him.

Sanada didn't directly leave for Konoha.

He went to the bandit hideouts first, kill about 50% of the people there, and leave a note that said.

" You have been discovered!"

A bit cliche, but Sanada didn't have any other good idea for now. He just hoped that the bandits and Kumogakure would be baited by the words and conduct a search in their surrounding area.

If things went worse, Sanada would also consider leaving some trails about his disciples to the Kumogakure ninjas.

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- The next day -

" Chase!! They shouldn't be that far away!!"

Just like Sanada's prediction, the trace of the team six members was quickly discovered by the enemies, and now they were chased around by the bandits.

Still, after a few months with Sanada, the team six members now were pretty calm.

Even under the chase of hundreds of bandits, they still could keep their heads calm and tried to devise a suitable strategy.

Hibachi and Sakura lured a group of thirty bandits into a specific area where Ami have been waiting for them.

The moment the bandits stepped their foot on that area, numerous chain explosions could be heard throughout the forest.


In one full swoop, numerous bandits have lost their life.

Sakura and Hibachi reappeared a few meters away, and even though their strategy was successful, there was no trace of joy on their face.

" Sakura, from your calculation, how much longer do we need to stay here until Sanada-Sensei arrives?" Asked Hibachi.

They have been chased for more than three hours now, and even if they were able to obliterate their chasers every time, the number of bandits didn't seem to diminish at all.

" I don't know... If it is just reporting, then it shouldn't take more than a day. However, under Konoha's current situation, I think that two or three days would be a good approximation."

Hearing this, the trio knew that they had no other choice but to continue moving forward while hoping that they wouldn't be discovered.

The group had just walked for five minutes when Hibachi suddenly stopped.

"Sakura, My blue-ringed octopus said that he found a group of Ninja is rushing in our direction. From what he saw, there should be no less than ten people!"

"This fast..." Sakura bit her finger. She didn't know why, but from this morning, she found there was something strange regarding this chase.

The enemies were just too fast, and it looked like every movement of them was monitored carefully by the enemies.

Sakura made everybody stop and began a short strategy meeting.

" If we are trying to run, I think we would be exhausted by the end of the day. For now, our only option is to lay some traps and try to ambush them.."

Sakura knew the strength and weaknesses of her teammates. And rather than trying to run away, their chance of winning would be a lot higher if they were to have a frontal confrontation.

Realizing this, Sakura could only shake her head helplessly. This mission should have been a C-Rank one, and they should only need to wait for Sanada-Sensei. Who knew that a C-Rank mission like this would be so troublesome.

The trio nodded at each other, and they began to lay traps on their surrounding.

Soon Hibachi and Ami returned after they finished laying their traps. "Sakura, do you think this would work?"

" It should work, and if not, our situation would be a lot worse than I expected..."

Five minutes later, using the blue-ring octopus as an intel, the group could see that the group of Ninja was approaching.

Sakura was not a sensor, but based on how they moved around, Sakura could roughly estimate that the enemy was 1 Jonin, 2 Chunin, and 7 Genin.

Compared to their sides which only have Three Genin, they were really outnumbered, both in quality and quantity.

Soon after, the Kumogakure ninjas appeared. They obviously also knew that the other sides were also Ninja, but maybe because they were too overconfident, one of the Genin in the opposing sides made a childish mistake.

He stepped on a landmine that had been placed by Ami before, and....


A huge explosion occurred that cost the enemy sides four Genin and one Chunin. The other one Chunin was also injured, but from the sight of it, it seemed that it was just a minor injury.

This would be the first time team six members faced real Ninjas in a life and death situation on their own without the presence of Sanada, and they couldn't help but trembled a bit.

While the opponent was still panicking, Sakura and the others didn't waste this chance.

The three of them utilize Total concentration breathing which boosted their speed, and by applying Chakra to their feet, they flashed.

*Swoosh* *Swoosh* *Swoosh*

Three slashes and two Genin and one Chunin down.

In an ambush, the team six trios was able to take care of 90% of the enemies squad, only leaving the Jonin alone left to be dealt.

"Konoha coward, such a shameless behavior!" The leader of the enemies felt so humiliated that he cursed loudly.

Maybe because he was too angry, he forgot that everything was fine in love and war, and all that Sakura and the two other displayed was just a smart tactic.

Sakura and the two others wanted to finish this in one go. Still utilizing the Total concentration breathing, they rushed in the direction of the Jonin.

In total concentration breathing mode, their speed gain a very big enhancement, but it still wasn't enough to deal with a Jonin.

The Jonin was able to repel the tree, and even Sakura and Ami took several hits on their abdomen.

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Read up to fifteen chapters ahead in my p.a.t.r.e.o.n


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