Ch 64 : Sakura's determination

Read up to fifteen chapters ahead in my p.a.t.r.e.o.n


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"Giving up now? It's a bit too late little girl." The Jonin, with a menacing smile on his face, rushed toward Sakura.

But the moment he was about to slice Sakura's neck, suddenly a few water projectiles were aimed at his head.


Fortunately, the Jonin was still able to react in time and avoid the few water projectiles.

It was just a slight moment, but during that slight moment, the Jonin felt he was so close to death. He tried to look for the direction where the water projectiles were thrown, but he couldn't find anything.

"What the heck was that?! Don't tell me..." Stunned by the sudden appearance of the water projectiles, The Jonin retreated.

Now he was no longer as confident as before. He looked at Sakura, and his gaze was full of depression.

' Fuck, those shameless Konoha Ninja! You want me to be a training dummy for this little girl?'

At this moment, everything seemed to click for the Jonin. The clues, the leak of information, and lastly, the attack just now. He realized that his role here was just to sharpen the little girl.

' You want me to be a sharping stone for this little girl? Then I will kill this little girl for you!'

Thinking that the Jonin uses Sunshin to blink behind Sakura, trying to launch another offensive at Sakura.

At the sight of Sakura in front of him, the Jonin didn't hesitate and used a killing move. Even if he died in the hand of the other person later, it would be a lot better than dying in the hand of a little girl.

However, The Jonin absolutely didn't think was that Sakura would be able to avoid his slash.

At this time, Sakura seemed like he could predict the movement of the Jonin, and with just a slight movement of her body, she was able to avoid being decapitated.

' What the heck...'

The Jonin, who still had the intention to kill Sakura in one slash, was a bit late to respond. He shifted his gaze downward only to see a fist had already headed in his direction.


A heavy fist landed right in his face. It was the first time he was injured during this battle, but somehow he felt the thing that had hit him just now was not just a simple fist.

He was knocked away a few meters, with his face had a big fist mark on it. But what made it worse was the fact that the Jonin realized that he always had this dizzy feeling on his head ever since he received that punch.

He tried to shake off that dizzy feeling, but no matter what, it had never gone away.

Followed by...

All of a sudden, he saw Sakura was in the mid-air, with two big water spears in both hands.

After realizing what she wanted, Sakura felt a big burden that had been weighing her mind all along gone away, and now she could control the Yarinami a lot better than before.

"Double Yarinami!"


Two big water spear was thrown in the Jonin's direction.

Sakura's gaze was very cold as now she was determined to kill the enemy in front of her.

The Jonin could only coldly snort as he tried to back away as far as possible, but then, he suddenly felt cold on her back.

He looked behind only to find a part of her back had been frozen by something.

Unfortunately, the Jonin had forgotten about Lapras' presence, and it was able to take him by surprise.

Then, just as the Jonin's movement was disrupted, two Yarinami successfully hit their target.



Worthy of the strong Kumogakure Jonin, even after being hit by two Yarinami, he was still able to somewhat survive the situation.

Time seemingly stopped at this split second, The Jonin was on a dead-end, but like what they usually said, a cornered hyena was even more dangerous than a lion.

The Kumogakure Jonin noticed that he could not retreat anymore, so at this moment, he decided to brandish his sword and tried to bring Sakura with him.

His death was almost certain, so why not try to kill this girl with him, he thought.

Looking at the Kumogakure Jonin's vicious eyes, Sakura knew that her opponent also had become determined.

Once again, using the water generated by Lapras, Sakura threw another Yarinami towards the Jonin, this time even bigger than before.

"You are strong, but I cannot lose here! My name is Haruno Sakura, and from now on I vowed that I will be someone who could walk the path together with Sanada-Sensei."

" BOOMM!!!!"

Sakura's water spear clashed with the other party's sword. But in the end, the water spear came out on top and was successfully pierced the Jonin's body.

With the thrusting force of the water spear, it generated a big hole on the abdomen of the Kumogakure's Jonin.

This time, the injury was very serious, and there should be no chance for the Kumogakure Jonin to recover anymore.

Sakura saw this, and soon the battle aura on her body dissipated. With a loud noise, her body heavily fell on the ground as almost all her chakra had been used for the last few attacks.

The enemy was a Kumogakure Jonin, and if not for some coincidence and luck, the corpse over there would probably be Sakura and the other two members of team six, not the Kumogakure Jonin.

Moreover, although Sakura won this one, her status is also very bad.

At this moment, Sakura's body was covered in blood and had numerous scars. The Jonin's sword technique was very vicious, and Sakura felt very weak because of the excessive loss of blood.

Then, Sakura suddenly heard some footsteps approaching.

She was ready to accept her demise at this time and secretly apologize to Sanada-Sensei on her heart. But the voice that came made her eyes widen.

" Good job! Congratulations on winning your first battle, Sakura."