Ch 65 : A calm training day

A few hours later, when Sakura woke up, She noticed that she had been transported into a room in the hospital.

She looked around and found Ami and Hibachi also resting in the same room as she was. Even though their injury was a lot better than hers, Sanda didn't want to take any risk and still decided to put them in the hospital.

After all, he no longer lacked in money, and just a few hospital bills wouldn't hurt him that much.

Sakura's thought went back into the previous battle with the Kumogakure Jonin.

At that time, she had displayed all her force. But if the enemy didn't let his guard down, in the end, Sakura still thought that she would be the one who lost at the end.

She sighed and shook her head helplessly. It seemed that the road was still long for her to be a strong ninja approved by Sanada, and she must not quickly be complacent.

. . . . . .

The next day, Sanada gathered all the members of team six in the training ground.

Sakura, Ami, and Hibachi plus Karin.

If Sanada was not wrong, it shouldn't be that long until Tsunade arrived, and before that, he wanted to do a special training session for the four.

Of course, there was also Sasuke hiding behind the tree, trying to join Sanada's training. But out of respect for Kakashi, and because Sanada didn't want to get too implicated with this edgy little brat, he told Sasuke to learn Chidori from Kakashi first.

Now that Sasuke still wasn't able to learn Chidori, he had no excuse to go training with Sanada. Therefore, he could only go hiding behind the tree, observing the four from afar.

Just like usual, Sanada created a separate training method for the four of them.

" Well, since it's been a while since we do our last training, we will continue our previous one. Hibachi and Ami would still continue to do physical training. For the two of you, your Chakra had reached its limit, and it would only grow with ages.

Therefore the best way to train yourself is by strengthening your body. Of course, if you feel like you would rather go and polish your cooking, I would have no complaint and teach you a new dish. Do you have any complaints?"

" No, Sensei!!"

Saying those words, the two followed Sanada's clone and began to train their physique, leaving Sakura and Karin with the real Sanada.

After yesterday's event, Sakura now looked forward to the training very much, while Karin, on the other hand, was fine as long as she could spend time with Sanada.

Sanada looked at his two little fans and sighed. Why did it seem to be so tiring handling these two little fanatic fans?

Still, it didn't take the fact that Sanada loved his disciples very much and would always do his utmost to assist them.

" Sakura, after yesterday's battle, you must feel a bit frustrated right? If you want, I could train you more in the practical combat way. But now, I also have another suggestion."

Sakura listened carefully to Sanada's words. All her current achievement was because of Sanada, and she believed that Sanada would be the one to know what was best for her.

" I have two choices for you, first is to train in combat like usual, and the second is to train in medical ninjutsu. For your current self, what you really lack is combat awareness and Chakra, and that could only grow with time. Therefore, I suggest you branch yourself into medical ninjutsu. What do you think?"

" I have no complaints, Sensei!"

" Good, then read this book first. I will come and instruct you after I'm done with Karin."

Sanada took out the book of medical jutsu for beginners for Sakura, and Sakura proceeded to leave to find a suitable spot to read.

Now all that's left was Karin. And for Karin, Sanada had no other choice but to do this.

" Karin, as an Uzumaki, I know you have a lot of Chakra in your hand. A huge amount of Chakra could be both blessing and a disaster, as it means that it is harder to control the Chakra. Therefore, I have made a suitable battle method for you. And that is with this."

Sanada made hand signs, and immediately another Sanada appeared in front of Karin.

" Yup, your most suitable battle method is by utilizing Shadow-clone just. With your chakra reserves, it wouldn't be that hard for you to manage more than twenty clones at once, and after that, we would only need to polish your hand-to-hand combat method."

Along with that words, Sanada finished telling his plan to all his four disciples.

Each of them had their own specialty, and even though sometimes Sanada didn't really excel on those, he still need to learn those techniques to be able to give his disciples some guidance.

The training lasted until evening, which after the afternoon, Hibachi and Ami decided to stop their combat training and proceeded to learn cooking.

Sanada had no protest for this. He happily instructed Hibachi and Ami in their cooking and hope that they could reach and find their dream.

These few days of training and improving his disciples were one of the most enjoyable experiences he had since he crossed over.

Different from the Chunin Exam where Sanada needed to make them combat-ready for the exam, this time Sanada could take it slow and slowly polish their foundation.

The training ended with Sanada and the member of team six having dinner in Izakaya Nobu together, which Sanada said that he would treat them to celebrate their first winning against a Jonin.

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Read up to fifteen chapters ahead in my p.a.t.r.e.o.n


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