S2 Ch 6 (Ch 93) : Training Temari

Sanada shook his head and explained: "No. That was a self-made technique from a close friend of mine. I modified it to suit myself, and the result was like that. Of course, being my disciple, I would have no issues teaching you something similar!"

The breathing style was currently Sanada's most important trump card. Other than it could enhance his power to a whole new level, it also could be used to train a lot of disciples and give them an early huge power boost.

Other than a few trusted disciples of his and Tsunade who he gave the manual of the total breathing style before he left, almost no other person could learn the breathing style.

The reason why Sanada decided to teach Temari the breathing style was to quickly gain her trust, and the other was to help Temari to get into a level where her original self could not get into. He knew from the anime that the relationship between instructors and their disciples was always strong, and even though the two were from different villages, once Temari admit Sanada as her true teacher, she would never forget everything that Sanada ever did for her.

"I.. Can I really learn it?" Said Temari in shock.

She never thought that Sanada would be so kind as to teach her this technique. She was at first just asking this question because she was a bit sullen about her loss, never expecting such a response from Sanada.

The more she got to know Sanada, the more she began to get curious about him, and just like the saying in the original earth. Once you get a girl to get curious about you, it could be said that you have been successful.

Sanada chuckled as he saw Temari was looking at him full of daze.

Temari blushed when she realized her mistake and immediately tried to turn away her face from Sanada to relieve her embarrassment.

However, another sound came, and it made Temari even more embarrassed.

*Stomach rumbling*

Yup, because of all the business in the afternoon, Temari forgot to get her lunch, and now she finally couldn't hold it back anymore.

Sanada no longer could hold himself from laughing as he found some joy in looking at Temari's embarrassed face.

" hahahahah, don't worry. It's just a normal reaction. Rather than that, how about I treat you to my homemade cooking to celebrate our first day as teacher and disciples?"

Temari was a bit hesitant at first, but thinking that Sanada would be her teacher for the next three months, she decided to try having a good relationship with Sanada, and agreeing to such an offer would not hurt that much.

The two ate their dinner together at Sanada's temporary residence, and after that, Sanada sent Temari back home after agreeing on meeting the next day in the same training ground.

. . . . .

The next day, on the same training ground, Temari took the initiative and challenged Sanada to a fight. She told him that yesterday she was just hungry and couldn't fully display her strength, so she wanted another rematch today.

But just like yesterday, Sanada quickly put Temari back in her place.

Utilizing the fact that Temari could still not adapt to his speed, Sanada just flashed right in front of Temari and flicked her forehead once again, much to her displeasure.

After that "morning exercise" was finished, Temari and Sanada chatted with each other, which Temari mostly complained about the situation of Suna compared to Konoha.

Compared to Konoha, Suna's land was very bad, and it could not sustain the life of its ninja.

After being the daughter of Kazekage for so long, Temari could somehow distinguish people's intention to her, and Temari felt nothing but good intent from Sanada. So she had her guard down talking to him.

Although they've known each other for no more than one day, Sanada had gained Temari appreciation, especially from the strength part.

"*Sigh* Why can't Suna's land be a bit more prosperous like Konoha!?"

" Well, don't be so pessimistic. Maybe there would come a day where green would envelop Suna, and Suna could grow its own agriculture business!"

" Yes.. thank you! Rather than that, let's just start our training. We have spent so much time discussing useless things."

Temari quickly stood up as she put a strong front. She thought that Sanada's word just now was only to cheer her up, but she never thought that Sanada actually had a way to make it into reality.

Still, Sanada was not in a hurry. He knew that he must gain Temari's full trust first before giving that item to Temari. That item could grow another world war, and Sanada must take it with precaution.

Sanada followed Temari as he also stood up, and when Temari was not noticing it, Sanada quickly use the appraisal to check her status.

' System. I want to use the appraisal!'

[ Name: Temari]

[ Age: sixteen years old]

[ Quality: S- grade]

[ Power potential: 7]

[ Agile potential: 7]

[ Ninjutsu Potential: 9]

[ Appearance potential: 9]

' Hmm.. not that bad. But just as expected.'

The number shown in the appraisal was in line with Sanada's prediction. Temari, even though she was a good prospect, her potential was still a lot lower than those like Karin and Sakura.

Still, Sanada didn't put it into his mind too much. He had made a special training lesson for Temari, and he believed if Temari was able to master it, she wouldn't fall that much short against Sakura or Karin.

Temari's strong personality was actually a great plus point in Sanada's mind. The harsh environment and truth that she grew up with had made her stronger than a normal girl.

In fact, if Sanada could choose, she would say that among the genin, Temari was the one that suit his type the most.