S2 Ch 5 (Ch 92) : Sunagakure's flower 2

Sanada was able to avoid Temari's attack and blinked right behind her.

However, it was all just a trap designed by Temari. She knew that for an elite Jonin, such a head-on attack would not work. Therefore, she betted that Sanada would appear right behind her and had laid a trap there.

An explosion talisman had been placed over there, and the moment Sanada appeared, Temari immediately exploded it with a one-handed seal!

" Katsu!"


A huge explosion covered the whole training ground.

Even if this was just a simple spar between future students and teachers, there was too much politics behind it.

Temari's display of power would mean that Suna, even though had lost the war was still someone worthy to be a Great Ninja Village, while Sanada's performance would reflect Konoha's attitude toward Suna.

If Sanada was too weak, then it could be deemed that Konoha was not that inclined with the alliance and just send a random Jonin here.

"That's good, but do you think it was enough?" Sanada was a bit surprised. He put a lot of chakra into his feet and barely avoided the huge explosion. Why did all genin he met play with the explosion talisman, he thought? It was not supposed to be a child plaything!

Temari saw Sanda was still okay after the trap she laid, and a frown appeared on her face.

Sanada was now high in the air, and it was her chance to deal a massive blow.

Using some of the fire that was generated from the explosion, Temari swept away her giant fan one more time, creating a huge fire tornado that was about to swallow Sanada whole.

The fire tornado power was massive. Sanada didn't expect that such a simple spar would end up like this, but the more Temari displayed her cleverness and skill, the more satisfied Sanada was.

Now Sanada was very determined to train Temari.

If things were to be left like how it was in the original plot, it wouldn't be hard for Temati to reach Elite-Jonin level ninja, but that was it.

Sanada could see the diamond in rough on Temari, and it was a total shame if he just let someone like Temari be stuck in the Elite Genin level.

Now, since Sanada had determined how much Temari's capabilities were, it was his time to show off his power as a Teacher.

Sanada at this time was already able of controlling his lightning attribute chakra masterfully. He changed his breath style into the breath of lightning as lightning began to gather on his hand.

"Temari, Now I'm going to be attacking! You'd better prepare yourself as not to get injured too badly."

Sanada was not kidding. The moment Sanada changed his breath style, the aura around Sanada changed once more. The previously tranquil and calm aura-like water was now replaced by an aura that was rumbling and felt very aggressive.

Thunder breathing might need some foothold to be effective, and Sanada couldn't have any foothold since he was high in the air.

However, who made him a ninja? Sanada took out a log from his storage scroll and used it as his foothold high in the air.

" Thunder breathing, First Form: Thunderclap and Flash!"


A flash of yellow thunder appeared as it cut down the huge flame tornado into two.

Sanada had just used his hand covered with the thunder chakra as a replacement of the blade, and it could be said as a pretty much successful attempt.

Even though this was not as perfect as Chidori, it still pretty much gave the same effect when combined with the thunder breathing.

In the anime, when Sasuke used the Chidori, even Gaara was not able to capture his movement.

Temari was also caught in a similar situation, but this is even worse! All she could see what yellow lightning flashing, and boom, her big flame tornado was shattered into pieces.

Temari was a bit late to react when she suddenly heard a voice coming on her way.

" Good effort, but there's still a lot that could be improved!" The speed of Sanada's thunder breathing was immensely overwhelming Temari.

It was no longer traceable by human eyes, and no matter how hard she tried, she just could not follow Sanada's movement.

In one of her blind attempts, she tried to launch wind-style ninjutsu in random ninjutsu, but Sanada just easily dodged it.


When Temari was still trying her best to find Sanada, a flick suddenly hit her forehead and made her fall down.

"You made it easy for me! I know you are not a sensor ninja, but can you not do anything about an opponent that was a lot faster than you? It was a huge loophole in your offensive style, okay? "

"You're really strong..!" Temari was panting when he said that to Sanada.

After that magnificent display from Sanada, Temari could no longer underestimate the young Jonin in front of her.

It might still be questionable whether his power had truly reached the threshold of Kage-level, but it still was enough for him to show that he had the capability to train Temari.

Sanada saw Temari had now succumbed, and a smile appeared on his face as he released himself from his Total concentration breathing mode.

And with a smirk on his face, he said:

"You're not bad as well! You're far beyond the level of an average Chunin! However, it's still far from reaching me!"

Temari could only shake her head at the conduct of her supposed-to-be sensei. It seemed that every strong people had their own strange quirk she thought: "Well, you too, Sensei! By the way, what was that speed in the end? At first, I thought that it looked pretty similar to Kumogakure's lightning armor, but the closer I looked to it, I felt that it was an entirely different thing ."