S2 Ch 4 (Ch 91) : Sunagakure's flower

" Ah..."

Temari was startled by Sanada's words, but she quickly recovered.

" My name is Temari, a Suna Genin. For what I like and hate... I don't have any specific things that I like or hate, but my goal is to be a strong female ninja!"

A perfunctory answer that was neither too specific nor too estranged.

For the man in front of him, even though they would be teacher and student for the next three months, it was still undeniable that Sanada was a Konoha ninja, and Temari could not be too open to him.

Sanada smiled as he heard Temari's response. It was exactly like what he was guessing.

However, Sanada suddenly had an impulse to tease Temari.

Watching Sanada smile like that, Temari shuddered a bit, as if she knew something bad was coming at her.

However, Sanada had already opened her mouth before she could even say anything.

" Hmmm... weird. Don't you like an intelligent guy?"

Temari blushed a bit when she heard these words, she didn't know why, but when the words "intelligent guy" came into her mind, her heartbeat was fastened a bit.

" Bah, what intelligent guy? Let me tell you, under a strong power, any mind or trick would be useless, and if someone wanted to be my lover, he needs to at least have Kage-level strength!"


After finishing saying those words, Temari immediately realized that she had said too much, and now red blush covered all over her face. She wanted to hide her face, but then a face appeared right in front of her.

It was Sanada's face who tried his best to hold himself from laughing hard as Temari's current state was very funny, and this didn't escape from Temari's sight.

Temari became even more embarrassed with herself and now vowed that he would get back to this strange Konoha Jonin later.

The two stayed in that state for some time, before Sanada eventually could control himself and returned back to his charismatic state.

" I'm sorry. That was just.. Umm... let's say that that was not me. By the way, do you believe in possession?"

" Humph, I'll just act as if I didn't hear anything!"

Even though their first interaction was pretty weird, Sanada was successful in somehow melting the barrier between her and Temari.

Yup, the two were standing across a huge barrier of two different villages, and for Sanada to be able to get closer to Temari, he must deploy some unconventional way.

Along the way, the chat between the two became a lot more often. At first, it was just Sanada, but the more Temari heard Sanada's word, the more she became curious about him and couldn't help but want to express her own opinion on the matter brought by Sanada.

" Wait, so you tell me that you have never been in a relationship before, but you call yourself a love master? Bah... I never saw such a confident con-artist like you!"

" Hohoho young lady, there were two wrong things in the words you just said before. First, you don't need to be in a relationship to be a love master. Don't you know a good football coach doesn't necessarily play football? And the second, do you know where the word con from the con-artist came from? It was from the confident! So a con-artist that was not confident on himself was only a third-rate con-artist!"

" ..... "

Temari was really speechless with what Sanada said.

Just now, Sanada talked about 101 ways of advancing a relationship and also all the way to gain a woman's heart, and Temari a woman obviously was not satisfied with what Sanada said.

" Hmm.. speechless, aren't you? Don't worry, I always win in an argument, because there was always I in win!"

" ... "

And just like that, the two continued talking about some unimportant topics.

Without them noticing, the two had walked all over Sunagakure, and now they had reached an empty training ground that Sanada had specially requested from Baki.

The fastest way to be respected in the ninja world was to show his strength, so even if all the talk before had somehow melted down the barrier, Sanada still need to show his power to fully be acknowledged by Temari.

" So, we have reached the end of today Temari. Are you ready for some simple test?"

"Sure, I have waited for this moment!"

"Well, that's not unexpected. Well, come on let me see your strength, I'll do my best to fight you. Beware, I'm very strong."

Sanada nodded at Temari's response as the two began to take their place in the empty training ground.

Sanada took a deep breath as he activated the total concentration breathing.

In this spar, he must not use his favorite water style as it could somehow uncover his identity, so Sanada decided to stick on total concentration breathing and some taijutsu.

In his total concentration breathing mode, Sanada's speed reflex and power had been enhanced a few times, and the lax expression was nowhere to be seen anymore.

Temari also began to get ready. She immediately opened the big fan behind her, attacking Sanada with her wind style.

" Wind style: Cutting Whirlwind Technique."

Using her fan, Temari created concentrated gusts of wind mixed with chakra, creating a windstorm that slices through every object in a targeted area.

Sanada saw the huge attack coming in his direction, but other than a slight nod, he didn't give any other reaction.

"Good attack! However, it lacked flexibility" Sanada dodged Temari's attack easily.

Just like what he said, the attack was too one-dimensional, and it wouldn't be effective against speed-type ninja.

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Read up to fifteen chapters ahead in my p.a.t.r.e.o.n


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