S2 Ch 3 (Ch 90) : Suna's conspiracy

Temari was surprised by what she saw here.

The suspicious man with cloak was standing in front of her in Baki's office.

And what's more surprising was the fact that Baki just let it be like it was the most natural thing to do.

Temari looked at Baki with eyes asking for an explanation, and for this Baki could only sigh as he began to tell Temari everything about this man.

" Temari, meet Mr. Kazuha! He is the delegacy Konoha send to handle the alliance matter, and also the one who will be your teacher for the next three months!"


Really? Temari had known previously that Gaara, his brother had specifically requested Jonin Sanada to be her teacher, and she also agreed to that.

For Gaara to rate the Jonin highly, Sanada must not be a normal Jonin, and it would be good if she could be trained by Sanada. Other than that, Temari heard the news that Sanada was a Jonin with Kage-level power, and it would be very good for Sunagakure if she could have a good relationship with a Kage-level powerhouse.

In fact, some of the elders even asked her to seduce Sanada as they thought that Temari's appearance was pretty top-notch, and it wouldn't be hard for her to melt Sanada's heart.

Temari had actually prepared herself to meet Jonin Sanada. The first impression was important, and she wanted to give the best impression to Sanada.

However, never once crossed her thought that Konoha would decline this request and instead send another Jonin to train her.

For the daughter of the previous Kazkage like her, this seemed like a smear to her pride, as it felt like Konoha was telling her that any Konoha's Jonin would do.

Still, Temari was not unreasonable. She knew that Sunagakure's position was a bit weak now, and she could only yield. She just hoped that this Jonin was actually good, or she would spend the next three months for nothing.

On the other hand, even though Temari tried to hide it, Sanada could still see a trace of satisfaction from her face.

Nonetheless, he didn't feel offended at all. The one that changed the agreement was Konoha, and it was pretty natural if Temari felt dissatisfied with him.

All he could do was just prove to Temari that he was better than she expected, and she would get something precious after training under him.

Sanada, in the identity of Kazuha prepared his best smile as he smiled in Temari's direction.

" Good afternoon, young miss. My name is Kazuha from Konoha, and I was sent here to be the temporary instructor of Ms. Temari!"

" Nice to meet you too, Mr. Kazuha!"

Said Temari as she offered a handshake to Sanada.

The two exchanged handshakes as they began to observe each other.

Even though Temari had no other choice but to accept Sanada as her temporary instructor, she still wanted to somehow access this new instructor from Konoha.

And funny enough, though the first impression wasn't the best, Temari couldn't find anything to complain about this new teacher.

His look was not bad, his temperament was okay, and what's more, Temari couldn't see any trace of hatred or demean on his eyes.

For someone from another village, it was not that rare if they were to look down onSunagakure, who lost the invasion against Konoha. So just that point alone had let Sanada score some point on Temari.

The short introduction ended, and Temari left the Kazekage's office with Sanada.

Since everything was all clear, there was no other use for her to stay there, and Sanada also asked her to guide him to tour all over Sunagakure.

When Baki saw Temari left without making a scene, he sighed relief.

He watched his disciples mature, and somehow it brought great joy in his heart. However, what does this strange feeling of being Ntr-ed that arose in his heart?

Still, Baki quickly brushed off that feeling as there were still a lot of matters that he needed to deal with.

Baki: "Sigh, when will Gaara be ready to take over the Kazekage position? I'm really not suited to do this kind of thing..

Back to Temari and Sanada, Temari indeed needed a tutor. Baki was her previous tutor, but he was now too busy to train him. And other than Baki, Suna had no other qualified Jonin that could train Temari and maximize her potential.

With no great wind-style user left in the village, Temari and Baki could only hope that the new Jonin from Konoha could at least give some guidance to Temari.

"So.. Ms. Temari is it?"

" Temari, you can call me Temari. We will be teacher and student soon, so there's no need for such a basic courtesy between us."

Sanada and Temari walked across Sunagakure, the image of Temari walking with another boy other than his brothers was pretty rare, and it quickly attracted attention from the others.

"Then, Temari is it? Hmm.. how should I say about this? But it seems that you are pretty popular in this village. Just between this place and the Kazekage's office, I could feel more than ten stern glare was aimed at me."

Temari almost choked when she heard those words.

Never once crossed her thought that the first topic she would discuss with her new teacher would be about this. She cast her gaze once more at Sanada, and the more she looked at him, the more she felt that she couldn't understand him.

Sanada saw Temari was looking at him intently, and he smiled as he placed his hand on Temari's head.

"First, since we will be teacher and disciple, how about we introduce ourselves once again? My name is Kazuha, a Konoha Jonin. I like cooking, I hate quite a few things, and my goal is... let's say that I'm still searching for my goal!"