S2 Ch 2 (Ch 89) : Temari

Looking at the scene in front of him, Sanada felt something was beginning to blossom on his mind.

But before that thing fully blossomed and turned into something that could change Sanada's life forever, a voice came from behind and disturbed it all.

" Hey, who are you? And what are you doing here?"

It was a female voice that sounded pretty tomboyish.

Sanada turned his head around, only to see a beautiful girl with teal eyes and sandy blonde hair, which is gathered into four consecutive pigtails.

Her outfit consisted of a single light purple-colored, off-the-shoulders garment that extended to halfway down her thighs, with a scarlet sash tied around her waist.

However, the thing that caught Sanada's attention the most was the big fan behind her back.

' Temari!!???'

Yup, the voice behind was none other than Temari, the oldest daughter of the previous Kazekage, Rasa.

She saw Sanada who was lurking anonymously around Sunagakure and decided to follow him.

Sanada actually noticed someone was tailing him, but because he didn't find any malicious intention from the one that was tailing him, and thought that it was just someone who was arranged by Baki, he decided to just let him be.

It was until the moment when Sanada fell into silence, watching the poor people on the corner of Sunagakure that she eventually decided to come out and reveal herself.

She watched Sanada with eyes still full of suspicion. However, since she didn't have any evidence, she chose to let things go and observed Sanada for a little bit more.

Sanada was about to say something, but Temari interrupted him.

" Stay here for a moment. I have some business to attend to."


Sanada was still a bit confused about what Temari was going to do.

But the next scene happened to really shock him.

Temari, as the daughter of the Kazekage, went into the slums and began to chat with the poor people.

And strangely, the people there treated her very kindly, as if it was a normal occurrence here.

This scene was already enough to shock Sanada, but then, Temari began to show off something more shocking.

She opened a storage scroll and started to hand out food to the people there, which they answered with heartful gratitude.

In case some of you thought that Temari did this to show off in front of Sanada, the current Sanada was in disguise, and Temari definitely didn't have the skill to see beyond Sanada's disguise.

All she did here was based on her own volition, and Sanada could see the kindness hidden beneath her cold and tomboyish front.

Unnoticed to him, a smile began to rise on Sanada's face.

At first, he thought that he would only train Temari for the sake of Konoha delegacy, and even had some thought about abandoning the mission to train Temari as he wanted to roam around the ninja world as soon as possible.

The reward of ten gacha tickets was good, but Sanada thinks that it might be a bit too hassle to fulfill the requirement to get Temari to full-heartedly accept him as a teacher.

But after seeing this kind personality of Temari, Sanada somehow had a second thought about this.

His nature as a teacher couldn't help but shine when he saw such a rough diamond in Temari.

Even if her talent was not that good, Sanada would still try to teach her as he found her personality was very pleasing to him.

Adding that fact to the superb talent of Temari that could even make her the best wind style user in the future fourth ninja war, Sanada found no other excuse not to make Temari his disciple.

Now the fact that Temari had interrupted him before was no longer important to Sanada, and he could not help but want to reveal his identity in front of Temari and began to train her.

Still, things were not that easy, and after some thought, Sanada decided that it would be better if Baki was the one to introduce them as Sanada didn't want to have another silly misunderstanding.

Sanada cast a last glance toward Temari before he flashed away, leaving the place he stood before with no one besides him noticing it.

A few minutes later, Temari had just finished distributing the food to everyone there.

She wiped her sweat as the weather in Sunagakure was very hot, and turned her head toward the location where Sanada previously stood.

However, when she turned her head around, Sanada's figure has long gone.

' Wait... where the heck did that person go?'

She was very surprised that she didn't even feel the other party leaving and was left dumbfounded at this scene.

Not gonna brag, but her current capabilities were far from any ordinary genin or even Chunin. And for someone to come and go without her noticing, he should at least be an Elite Jonin.

Temari shuddered at the thought of an Elite Jonin roaming around her village without any surveillance as they still didn't know what his true intention was.

' I must report this to Baki-Sensei!'

With that thought in her mind, Temari flashed and rushed toward the Kazekgae office, where Baki was dealing with a lot of documents.

Under the current situation, the peak power of Sunagakure was just the semi kage-level Chiyo, and it wouldn't be good if the Elite Jonin was to rampage around the Sunagagkure.

Sunagakure's position now was way too weak, and she could only hope that the Elite Jonin didn't have any bad intentions and was just a spy sent by another village.

Fast forward, Temari arrived at Baki's office.

She opened the door to Baki's office in a rush and was ready to report.

However, how shocked she was when she saw the same cloaked person was already standing in Baki's office as if waiting for her to be there.

" Yo! we meet again, Ms. Ninja!"

. . . . . . . .

Read up to fifteen chapters ahead in my p.a.t.r.e.o.n


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