S2 Ch 9 (Ch 97) : In Sensei's room

A few minutes later, Sanada came out of the bath with his body still a bit wet from all the bathing.

He peeked toward the living room and saw Temari's face was like a boiled crab, and a smile rose on his face.

' Pftt... this little girl..'

Yup, Sanada until now was still clueless about what Temari felt toward him. He thought that Temari was just nervous since it was her first time in her sensei's house, and he never thought about something like Temari has a feeling toward him.

Maybe it was because he still saw Temari as a little tomboyish girl from the Naruto anime that he was not able to realize Temari's intention toward him.

Furthermore, Sanada actually didn't really like the idea of love between the village.

Even if two people were indeed in love with each other, one cannot deny that the political aspect of love across two villages would still be very high, and he didn't want his relationship to be a plaything of the elder.

Sanada went toward the living room where Temari had been waiting for him and proceeded to sit in front of her.

" I'm sorry to make you wait, Temari."

Said Sanada with a smile on his face.

" Ah.. it's okay. It's my fault to intrude here without telling you before."

Temari saw Sanada's smile and blush cover her face.

Sanada felt the atmosphere was a bit strange, but he just brushed it off away as he thought he was just overthinking things.

He saw some trace of admiration in Temari's eyes when she looked at him, and an approving nod appeared on his expression.

He wanted to help Temari bring a great change to Suna, and the first step was to get her full trust and admire him.

The only question was...

How big was the trust and admiration that Temari held toward him? And was it pure from her, or does it has some underhand from the elder?

Not gonna lie; Sanada had changed his mindset since meeting Danzo.

If the leaf has Danzo who would do anything to improve the village, there was no reason that the sand didn't have any other elder who also shared the same thought as Danzo.

It was just not as well known as Danzo since Naruto was from the leaf, and the main part of the story centered around the leaf.

In the living room, Sanada opened the topic as the two began to chat. It was just a simple topic at first like hobbies or even the progress of her training, but slowly. Sanada began to move the topic toward the direction of Suna, and how Temari saw the current condition of Suna.

However, there was something strange here. All this time, Temari deliberately avoided making eye contact with him.

Sanada did notice this and was slightly nervous, immediately recalling all the words he had said before or whether he had talked into some sensitive topic.

He could see clearly that something related to him bothered her or at least made her act differently. The more time passed, the more awkward the situation became.

After a long silence, Sanada couldn't help it anymore. He gathered his courage and finally asked: "Hey Temari, have I done anything that upset you recently?"

Temari was stunned as she heard him and immediately shook her head, but her face became even redder, and her eyes became even more blurred.

She wasn't ready yet to confess her feeling, and she was still afraid of hearing Sanada's response.

Sanada saw her shaking her head and breathed a sigh of relief. He then continued to talk to her about how he thought the education system in Suna could be improved.

But it has never crossed Sanada's mind that all the things he said about Suna and its system hadn't even entered Temari's mind.

Temari saw Sanada just brushing it off nonchalantly, and a feeling of dissatisfaction arose in her heart.

This had made Temari even more uncomfortable. But it was not the right time for that as she was just struggling with making a decision on what she should do next. To confess, or not to confess? And if yes, how?!

In the end, she was the girl and was slightly too reserved to be the one to take the initiative. She had to wait and see.

Temari looked at her sensei, wondering to herself: 'Am I really that unattractive, or was it the barrier between the two villages that made him unable to see me as a woman?'

Without her noticing, a slight dissatisfaction toward the current system of the five ninja villages had begun to rise in Temari's mind, and the thought of changing Suna began to bud in her heart.

Back to Sanada, Sanada has been single for two lifetimes now and never had any time to open up to relationships.

In the original earth, he must handle the issues about university exams, part-time jobs, and even still socializing to make connections, and that really gave him no time to get a relationship.

Besides some encounter with Tsunade where he felt his heart was skipping a bit, he never felt anything special towards any girl. Therefore, our beloved Sanada-sensei was clueless about how Temari was actually holding things for him.

Seeing that this was going nowhere, Temari finally decide to make a bold decision.

Confession was a no-go, but she could try to make her sensei begin to consider her a bit, right?

Gathering all her courage, Temari opened her mouth and:

" Sanada-sensei, can I know what type of woman you actually like?"